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chest rig or plate carrier to go with MTP

adam bussey
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Just use this assault vest (http://www.cadetdirect.com/order1.php?pg=3800) and stick some MTP pouches on it (http://www.cadetdirect.com/products2.php?subcat=492)

The vest is very similar in profile to some DPM non-Molle vests cadets in the South are using now, the only differences are the pattern and the Molle.

You wouldn't look too gucci but it fits your criteria.

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Yea low drag and holding everything aren't two things that go together well...


TacMaster you just reminded me of the new Cadet Training Vest you mentioned, what absolute shite!

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You don't need to carry plates... yes people wear them for airsoft but rarely in airsoft do people need to go very far. If you look at most soldiers etc if they don't need to wear a plate carrier they won't

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i like that!!!


ukmcpro is a quality retailer too!!!

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