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Lipo help

marcus giddings
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Hi I have got a 7.4v lipo and it was mistakenly charged with a no-cad charger the lipo has swollen but have had it checked and all the cells are fine but I just want to know if it is fine to use or do I need a new battery

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The batteries could be defective.

They could have been damaged by impact.

They could have been discharged at too high a current.

They could have been discharged to too low a voltage.

They could have been charged at too high a rate.


It's your call, but if you have a safe place to store them, concrete bunker, you can cycle them a few times.

You can separate the good cells from the puffed ones and make up new packs.


If you feel comfortable you could fly with them.


I would not take the chance.

I would separate the cells and discharge them slowly with a light bulb until totally depleted then dispose of them.


Note google is my friend and so is copy &paste

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  • AF-UK Founding Member

If they've swollen that's usually your sign to get rid. I'd rather not take the risk. They are perfectly fine if you treat them properly but you haven't.


At the end of the day it isn't the most expensive mistake you will ever make.


*Shameless plug* This month we are giving away a snazzy charges everything type charger (nimh/nicd/lipo/life/lilon/pb) to supporters so if you need an awesome charger sign up and you might win.

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