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tappet plate

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you can get them from ebay for about £8. You have to take the gearbox out and apart to change the tappet plate, which if you have not taken a gearbox apart can be a bit of a pain in the arse. You may be better off asking a shop to do it for you, it should ocst about £25-30.


However does the gun work and fire correctly before you try to open her up.

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If it fires then it might be the tappet plate. If you split the receivers and look at the gearbox front end, when you fire the gun does the nozzle move back and forward? If it does then it could be any number of causes, but basically an airseal problem. If it doesn't then the nozzle could be either disconnected or the tappet plate could be broken, or the spring holding it forward could be broken, damaged or stretched. If it does fire, can you feel air coming out of the nozzle when (if) it moves? If not, you have probably got a poor or non-existent piston head seal. If you can and the nozzle moves, are BBs getting stuck in the hop unit (i.e. is the hop wound fully on) and stopping the BBs getting past?.

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Then check that everything lines up properly. I had a problem with an M4 where the gearbox cycled perfectly, plenty of air pressure out of the nozzle, but once I fitted the upper receiver it just wouldn't fire. It turned up there was a slight mis-alignment between the nozzle and the hop unit, meaning the nozzle didn't move forward far enough into the hop to seal on the hop rubber and therefore pushed all the air out the back.


As an experiment, remove the inner barrel and hop from the upper, hold it on the end of the gearbox and then fit a loaded mag. Find somewhere to safely shoot it and then see if anything comes out the end. If it does, check that the inner barrel and hop are not being pushed out of line in the upper receiver.

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