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i need help on my R700 sniper rifle, to buy or not to by !?

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hey guys im just wanting some help

im looking for a new R700 sniper rifle

ive come across the 'super x9' model : http://www.airsoftworld.net/two-tone-w700-...iper-rifle.html <--- which includes the scopes & rings, and has a pretty high fps, with a great price.


and two i stumbled across the druganov : http://www.actionhobbies.co.uk/2bf64927-3b...-a4328db8498c?0 <-- ive heard alott about power, and accuracy,


just some help guys.. pleasseee :)


cheers .

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hey guys im just wanting some help

im looking for a new R700 sniper rifle

ive come across the 'super x9' model : http://www.airsoftworld.net/two-tone-w700-...iper-rifle.html <--- which includes the scopes & rings, and has a pretty high fps, with a great price.


and two i stumbled across the druganov : http://www.actionhobbies.co.uk/2bf64927-3b...-a4328db8498c?0 <-- ive heard alott about power, and accuracy,


just some help guys.. pleasseee :)


cheers .


its personal choice which one you choose but i would go for a dragunov

but judge it on your budget and watch a few reviews on both before you decide

btw fps isn't everything because a big spring hitting against cheap plastic isn't a good combo

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