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Question about Helikon TCU

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Hello! I am working to get money for a full set of Helikon TCU ((Polish Woodland)) I have watched some videos and read reviews and they say its good, but either way I am here to ask a question, is it possible to buy a accessory for them, what I mean is like a flag you can add up because it does not have one when bought and what I wanted to do is to add a flag into the TCU.


Is it possible to buy that somewhere?

Thank you!

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Hello! I am working to get money for a full set of Helikon TCU ((Polish Woodland)) I have watched some videos and read reviews and they say its good, but either way I am here to ask a question, is it possible to buy a accessory for them, what I mean is like a flag you can add up because it does not have one when bought and what I wanted to do is to add a flag into the TCU.


Is it possible to buy that somewhere?

Thank you!


you mean like a patch?

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