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the classic 'dismantle and can't put back together' issue..

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Hey guys, as you can probably tell I'm a noob at this stuff...

Basically I took apart my M93R and I'm fairly sure a part has flown off into oblivion as I cant seem to get it together again. I'm not sure if its the same design as most GBB's but I took off one of the side panels and didn't realize the importance of it not being taken off as it doesn't work since. I've attached images so maybe if you can see what's missing?


Appreciate any help!



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Hard to tell from the pictures but, how do you mean "I can't get it back together"?

As in you can't reassemble it, or it won't work?


I assume it means its not firing? What's it doing instead?

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Can you describe exactly how it feels now and what seems to be the issue. I'm guessing when you pull the trigger nothing happens at all...no blowback, nothing, or is it cycling once but then stopping?


Also can you take a photo from the top of the body of the gun and also a couple of photos of the rail in case there's anything missing there.

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I've had a few M93s in my time. You're missing a small L shaped piece of flat metal, a spring it sits on, and another spring for the rotated bit seen at the top of the picture. I do have one of the L shaped pieces in my spares box. If you like, you could send the gun to me and I'll reassemble it for you.


My Z1 Itrader feedback: http://forums.zeroin.co.uk/itrader.php?u=107210

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  • 2 months later...

Hi sorry for late reply guys, recently moved house and didnt have time to reply! Basically I can't seem to reassemble it, theres a catch thats stuck in an upright position that has nothing to hold it down, REMsoft so you think im missing a piece of it then? Iv'e definitely lost it now! So should I attach more photos? I found a small circular spring i have no idea if its used for it but do you think that could be a part?



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