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Airsoft Arms Fair 6

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Saturday October 6th – AAF6


The 6th Airsoft Arms Fair is only a few weeks away now and the event is building up to be another amazing day.


We are down to the last few tickets for 10am entry, don’t leave it too late to book your place at AAF6!


Training and demos:

CQB assault - Stirling Airsoft, Defensive fighting from vehicles - Pro Tact, IPSC shooting - Mike Cripps, Steel Challenge – Mark Hurding, Interactive airsoft map – Airbana and Sci-Fi airsoft – Contact


Retailers so far confirmed include:

Shop at The Grange, Airsoft Direct, TAG Airsoft, Klarus, Badger Tac, Badger Tac 2, The Birmingham Armoury, ASPUK, Just BB Guns, East Midlands Airsoft, Milspec Solutions, Swindon Airsoft, Gunmunki, Airsoft Engraver, Elite Shooting Centre and ActionAir.



Multiple private sellers and airsoft game sites.



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No Patrol Base?


Halo Mill is up and running now! They MUST have time for the Arms Fair =[

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