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was wondering if anyone could give me any word on if this item is "genuine", i know it says it in the description but cmon, its ebay :P




it might just be a bad picture but to me it just looks "different" to all the other ubacs i see, its just the only one i can find in my size

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I've used that same ebay store quite a few times in the past, was always good for me back when I was buying brit issue kit.


The picture certainly looks like all the CS95 cut UBACS I've seen, including the two I own myself. Should be fine.

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I've used that same ebay store quite a few times in the past, was always good for me back when I was buying brit issue kit.


The picture certainly looks like all the CS95 cut UBACS I've seen, including the two I own myself. Should be fine.


cheers dude

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