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G&G CM16 With Long Barrel

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I Am Buying the G&G CM16 With Long Barrel Soon and i was Wondering if it is a good Gun because I Sometimes change my mind if i see a review saying it broke or something. Im planning to take it to Skirmishing in A Bunker and Another thing. I am buying the gun two tone from this website: http://www.geniestuff.co.uk/gandg-cm016-co...long-bundle.htm but the problem is i will have ukara license when i play 3 games and is there anyway i can change it back to the Black Gun? or spray paint it without remove the trade marks. Would this gun be a good gun to match up with the Glock 19C KWA Pistol? Im also Thinking does Wolf Armories Sell G&G's because i checked on Guay2 website aka

G&G And there only seems to be 2 Friendly dealers in England With g&g


Thanks for Reading

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No way to paint it and keep the trades. Better off buying used and ask for it to be painted two tone or buy from a dealer who paints rather than supplies the moulded plastic.

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No way to paint it and keep the trades. Better off buying used and ask for it to be painted two tone or buy from a dealer who paints rather than supplies the moulded plastic.

what kind of thing are you talking about

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If you paint a two-tone black, you'll most likely paint over the trades (unless you're extremely skilled with masking tape, to cover them while you spray it), as the trademarks on G&Gs are simply white paint on the gun body.

Although, if you're worried about trademarks, G&G don't use real ones anyway.


If you're after real trades, go for G&P. If you get one of their newer models, the trades are engraved too, so painting won't cover them up.


Action Hobbies sell G&G guns, as do Land Warrior Airsoft and Zero One, but Wolf Armouries don't.


There's no reason why you shouldn't use it with a Glock 19 side-arm, unless you're going for a specific theme/loadout? But most people tend to use what they like.

If you're looking for a loadout that uses M4 and Glocks, then US Marshal Service do: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_Marshals_Service



May I suggest that you hire for 3 games, or use a mate's gun for 3 games, until you get your UKARA sorted. That way, you know you're going to enjoy the sport (rather than wasting £X on guns and gear) and you don't have to worry about the two-tone route.

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If you paint a two-tone black, you'll most likely paint over the trades (unless you're extremely skilled with masking tape, to cover them while you spray it), as the trademarks on G&Gs are simply white paint on the gun body.

Although, if you're worried about trademarks, G&G don't use real ones anyway.


If you're after real trades, go for G&P. If you get one of their newer models, the trades are engraved too, so painting won't cover them up.


Action Hobbies sell G&G guns, as do Land Warrior Airsoft and Zero One, but Wolf Armouries don't.


There's no reason why you shouldn't use it with a Glock 19 side-arm, unless you're going for a specific theme/loadout? But most people tend to use what they like.

If you're looking for a loadout that uses M4 and Glocks, then US Marshal Service do: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_Marshals_Service



May I suggest that you hire for 3 games, or use a mate's gun for 3 games, until you get your UKARA sorted. That way, you know you're going to enjoy the sport (rather than wasting £X on guns and gear) and you don't have to worry about the two-tone route.

Thanks for the Info But In Wolf Armouries the Shop closest to me, To hire a gun it costs 30 Pounds and then Another 30 for The space. there is this thing that wolf armouries does, they Let you buy the gun and keep it on there field until you have the ukara License. but since they dont sell g&g's i might go for a Javelin M4 Full metal i dont really know since im a begginer to airsoft but i do know how to handle guns so it doesnt matter. and Also do you know about any Junior Teams around london?

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You could always buy a new receiver but for the price of a metal one (Around £100) you're better off buying a different gun.


Have you tried ringing the site and asking them if they can get one in for you? My site manager does that if we want something he hasn't got, he will get it in for us.


And when you say "Junior team" do you mean under 18? Because you will not be permitted to have the RIF until you gain UKARA, which if you're 16 is 2 years away (Maybe if you're 2 months away from 18, but check with the site manager first.)

Probably best to get a few shoots in first before joining a team too

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You can use a product called MASKOL you buy it at any hobby shop HUMBROL MASKOL its a pinky looking liquid. I' ve used it loads of times for model making. Give it a stir first use a cocktail stick dip in and use the point too go over trades let it dry 20 mins be good goes a purple colour when dry then spray over top then rub off use your finger easy hope this helps a quick easy option instrad buying a new part

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Ask them, that's the only way you'll find out.

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