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Radios and mics?

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Hey peeps I was just wondering if anyone had a little bit of advice on radios and mics? I wanna get get some for me and a mate but not sure what's the best type to get, they don't need to be the best thing ever as it will only be for airsoft. Also what's the best throat mic to get? Cheers :)

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motorolas are the best radios that you can talk to the team with.the gp300s are good.if you want top quality look at prr radios by selex communications but are hard to find and only transmit with other prr radios

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xtn's are really good, loads about on forums/ebay, cant recommend any throat mics as dont use them

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We use XTR 446's With covert earpieces, you can get a set fairly cheap and they have a 8km range.


We dont use Throat mics just a clip on PTT mic.

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