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Basic AEG maintenace?

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Having recieved my first AEG from ProAirsoftSupplies I've opened the box played around with it, checked the instructions, gone room to room in my house with it etc.


But what next? I'm not overly concerned about the power as apparently the shop checks all it's RIF's to make sure theyre 1j.


So I've cleaned the barrel (filthy little pipe!), dry fired it once with both batterys (I have nowhere to actually test it before my first skirmish), charged up both batteries for saturday, checked my spare mag fits.


What stunningly obvious thing have I missed? What next?


Thanks in advance for any help!

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TBH, that's about it. As its brand new you may find that the hop needs to be worn in slightly, but that will happen in your first days skirmishing. Or if they have a range then just run a hicap through it (helps you get used to the feel of the gun as well as the noises it makes when dry/real firing) It will also help you get used to the actual ranges/accuracy these things can fire, as some players seem to think that they are shooting real guns or lasers!


After you have run a hicap through it then adjust the hop. Turn the hop up till the bb starts to swing upwards at the end of its range, then turn it down slightly so you get it pretty flat. This will give you the best range. Easiest way to do it is to look over the sights at the actual bb flight rather than through the sights.


Should take you 20mins or so before the skirmish starts


Apart from that, carry water, spare bb's and your battery and have fun! Stick with some regular players so you get to know the site (not the bloke in the ghillie though as he may get annoyed!) and have a laugh, expect to get shot lots and shoot some, but have fun.

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not a great deal you can do, just put your webbing on if you have some and spend time loading and unloading your weapon, cycle through all your magazines. just helps speed things up and it becomes second nature to where all your stuff is rather than having to stop and fiddle


as for firing before your on site, if you have private land and permission thats always a bonus for the privelaged few. if not then your pillow is about all you'll be able to shoot :P

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