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M1911 MEU questions

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How do you strip it?!


I was expecting there to be a catch on the side like with Sigs and Berettas, but there isn't. I've figured out you can take the front of the barrel off... For some reason...


Speaking of which, I'm looking for a threaded barrel so I can attach a silencer, anyone know if there's one available and where to buy it from? The barrel, not the silencer.

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  • 2 weeks later...

If you pull the slide back, you'll see there's two bits cut out in the slide. Keep the hole nearest the hammer over the slide release, and push the pin out. That should separate the two pieces. If you're still unsure, look up "LaZouche" on Youtube, he does a good strip down video.


Suppose you don't want another MEU? I'm getting a 226 and don't really want this one anymore..

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