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Holster suggestions?

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I'm getting a little wary of leg drop holsters, mine is just generally causing me grief, it gets in the way of my rifle when it's hanging from my sling, it has a mag pouch on it which is just down right annoying to access, being as far away from my left arm as it probably humanly possible and despite me adjusting it to the best of my ability, I still feel like there's too much movement in it.


So, I'm after a holster I can wear on my waist, I'm planning on having it slightly behind me on my right side so it doesn't obstruct my rifle and it needs to be able to fit a P226 in it comfortably, be easy to draw the gun from and re-holster it after shooting.


I might buy an X-FIVE at some point down the line, so it'd be nice to have something that could accommodate that as well.


Doesn't need to have any additional pouches on it.


I'd rather it not have Velcro fastenings, or retain the pistol with the use of friction/gripping it tightly alone.


I'm not much of a fan of those rigid plastic holsters either, though I might come around to them if it seems like there's no better option. I do like the retention mechanisms from them, but they're moulded to specific guns, so I'm not sure an X-FIVE would fit into one made for a standard P226. Though I could be wrong.


What are my options? I've had a few quick googles around but I thought I'd hear people's opinions and experiences first.


Cheers guys.

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if your after plastic then SERPA and SAFARILAND. do great holsters but if your after a cheap holster go could get a VIPER HOLSTER. also the way the rifle gets in the way i have two idea's

one get a left handed holster move it back from your hip

two get a right handed holster and put it one your left hand side its out of the way but you can still grab it

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I think I might as well at least give the Viper a go since it's only £13, I'll see if my local surplus shop has any. Cheers.

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