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Everything posted by uniweekendwarrior

  1. Personally I found their after sales cs very bs especially for rifles.
  2. Hey all,recently my gearbox shell shattered and I had to replace it. Since then two magazines I used to use no longer work with the gun. I still have one hi-cap and two midcap mags that work. Now when the guns on semi it fires every shot but if I start to pull the trigger quickly it starts to miss fire. The faster I pull the trigger the more shots miss fire. When I put it on full auto it only fires about 40%. Does anyone know what the hell I've done to it? Cheers people
  3. I will try that thank you for the idea
  4. Thanks but no they won't. They are upper and lower pins. The stock pin is much longer.
  5. I posted before on here asking if anyone knows where I could get a g&g mp5 stock pin. It should be 6-7mm diameter and around 70mm long. The only place I can find them won't ship to the UK. Been looking for ages so if anyone knows that would be great.
  6. I posted before on here asking if anyone knows where I could get a g&g mp5 stock pin. It should be 6-7mm diameter and around 70mm long. The only place I can find them won't ship to the UK. Been looking for ages so if anyone knows that would be great.
  7. Hey, it's a 1.3 to remove the selector switch and the smallest one I have is a 1.5. Pretty sure I have a smaller one at my parents house so when I go back I will try to have a better look. Thanks for the information.
  8. Update: Stripped it as far as I could which was only taking out the motor as i didn't have a small enough Allen key to remove the selector switch. So put it back together and attached the battery went full auto then took it off again then back on and it's working again. I guess it's not a trigger problem as it wouldnt work at all. I could be wrong so let me know your thoughts. Cheers
  9. Update: Stripped it as far as I could which was only taking out the motor as i didn't have a small enough Allen key to remove the selector switch. So put it back together and attached the battery went full auto then took it off again then back on and it's working again. I guess it's not a trigger problem as it wouldnt work at all. I could be wrong so let me know your thoughts. Cheers
  10. I just had a quick flick of the trigger with no battery in (don't want to wake the house mates) and it springs back fine.
  11. Ok I'll have a proper check tomorrow, I may have pulled to hard. I came across a member of the other team suddenly and opened fire but when I released the trigger it's just kept firing. Now as soon as I connect the battery it fires by itself not even touching the trigger.
  12. Hi all, I'm new to messing with rifles so bare with me. Went out skirmishing today all going well until suddenly it went full auto even when my finger was off the trigger and the gun was on safe. Anyone know what the problem is? Cheers
  13. I found the video and watched it but he said he stayed with the standard barrel as the upgraded barrel wasn't to effective. I have brought a new barrel, a maple leafe one but again same problem with the bb just falling out the barrel when the slide comes forward. Starting to get pretty f***ing annoyed with it.
  14. Ok so Landwarrior are refunding me, anyone know what barrel will actually fit?
  15. Yea I looked around half sites say yes other half say no going to ring them tomorrow.
  16. As far as I can see the tape didn't foul anything. I did ensure when I put it on it was past the rubber so it was only around the barrel so it fit better in the hop up housing. I'm not sure about the arm as does it sit in the wheel or above it? It fits better in but when I took it apart it just all fell out. When the rubber is on its all smooth from end to end. The rubbers are different slightly the mound (if it's the bit that sticks out the side) is a rectangle on the standard and the new one is a bit shorter but still fits perfectly in the slot.
  17. Hi all, I just got a new barrel for my we g18c gen 4 and a new hop rubber but i am having some issues. https://youtu.be/Yp4lIg9AaZk Please if you can help let me know. Thanks in advance
  18. HI just looking for some advice I'm going to swap my WE G18c gen 4 barrel for a tightbore. It's 97mm long does that mean I can use any 97mm tightbore barrel? Or does it need to be one designed for the Glock. Thanks in advance
  19. Yea I understand that bit now but no visible ports
  20. Yea I can understand that might just have it looked at.
  21. Not really I mean I've put different bb's through it since I've had it with no difference really
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