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Everything posted by Jacob(smooth)

  1. That might be a problem. My new favourite gun wasn't 2 tone until I modded it. It's pretty fierce so I figured that with a laser sight I could use it for sniping. Trouble is the sight is a different colour :/. What do you reckon? Could I get away with that? I can hit targets at easily 100 yards (provided I walk up to them first).
  2. Hi guys Noob question. I have a mossberg m500. Nice wee thing, and surprisingly accurate with a reflex sight . I use it as a poor man's sniper rifle. Is it possible to get replacement mags? The mag holds over a hundred but you have to charge it by holding the spring and shaking it every dozen shots or so!
  3. I'd think of it as a girlymans gun. The sort of thing used by a guy who turns up in a full camo tank suit to a game where everyone else is in shorts and a short sleeves for a back garden game...
  4. As long as it's not this one https://jdairsoft.net/deals/bt5-pdw-mags Also, to hijack your intro thread, I'm another new guy. From Kent.
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