Hello again gents and ladies, I'm after more brain picking if that is okay.
I received my UKARA the other day. Drooling for a day or so whilst checking out the many, many, many options available to me now. However, there is a snag now.
I spent the 3 game days running around with hired rifles (all M4 variants, long barrel).
The last game day, I was given an M4 with 355fps and 2 mags. One mag containing .20 and the other with .25's. The rifle gave up after about 300 rounds were put down and I obviously had to trade back in. What I did notice was how the FPS, the long barrel and players unsure of calling hits, made it just as useless as the guy operating it. The rounds went down range just fine (mostly curving off right), but long distance... maybe 30 meters or just under, was just shocking. I had better accuracy with the .20's.
So, I decided when the UKARA came through to use an SMG as a primary. An SMG with mid range and a high rate of fire. I'm not sure how different shops work, though I'm interested in test firing the 2 or 3 that I narrow down. So far, I've looked at and held an MP7 (or SMG8)?, a UMP45 and I decided to hold the P90.
I like the P90, having held it again a second time. The first time, I held it and pretty much dismissed it as too small.
I loved the feel of the MP7 but it happens to be a GBB and I hear fully gassed mags for this weapon, out the box, will fire the first mag and only just manage the reload. Opinions vary obviously.
The ump45 didn't really feel right and that happened to be the SMG I was looking to buy.
So, with all of the useless drivel above, I'm in need of opinions and thoughts on;
1) High rate of fire
2) Mid range
3) Upgradable internals
4) SMG
5) Sturdy and robust or reliability.
I'm sure a HROF doesn't mix well with reliability out the box, but I'm desperate for recommendations.
Thank you all