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  • Guns
    ™ 416, ICS Galil, SCR MP40
  • Loadouts
    Woodland US, modern French
  • Sites
    The Fort, POW, Landwarrior

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  1. I feel sorry for Scout. I have known him for over six years, Im not claiming to be his best friend or any such thing. I saw him at The Fort last Sunday June 1st 2014. The guy so wants to avoid being hassled, that he no longer wears the Danish M84 camo which most people know he has worn for years. Yet kid after kid would butt right in as he sat with his friends, they would totally ignore the person talking to Scout and go right in mid conversation, not even so much as an "Excuse me" And that includes you DX115FALCON. You slate Scout videos and the people in them, but you were right in there as soon as you got the chance, myself and others were watching shaking our heads in despair. Just leave the guy alone. Unlike other YouTubers he is not an attention seeking kid, he does not like being the centre of attention. People always ask why he films Daedalus and others a lot, its because they are his friends, how hard is that to figure out? As for shooting the gun and hitting targets, he has explained via replies on YouTube etc 1000 times, over and over again "Its basic editing" He has never hidden the fact. What does surprise him is that people have to ask when its so bloody obvious. He said one time at POW "I wonder if people meet Steven Spielberg and ask him, how he managed to get video of the Americans shooting at the Germans when he made Saving Private Ryan and did that German actually shoot that American?" I have heard hundreds of people ask Scout, moron level questions about his videos, questions where my reply would be "Are you F***ing stupid? It's editing" But Scout always remains polite. After you left Scout on Sunday DX115FALCON, one of his friends at the table asked Scout "Why are you always polite to these idiots" I heard Scout say "Because if I say one word out of line, these people will go on Reddit and Airsoft forums repeating what I said, but adding stuff and it will believed by all who read it, no-one will question it, people like to believe the worst about others" And he is correct. I see things about Scout on Reddit and other Airsoft forums all the time, most comes from people who do not really know him, some who claim to good friends of his and I have even heard of people claiming to be him at The Shot Show and IWA in Germany. I noticed the other day, that he did say on his Facebook page, that he is considering going to Airsoft sites in England and not telling anyone who he is, no cameras, he just wants to play Airsoft and have a good time with his friends. I hope he does that, he was a decent player, not awesome, but good enough to want on your team and I could always rely on him to have some good sweets hidden somewhere in his chest rig, be good to see him just playing again. Now guys just give him a break.
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