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  1. Looks like WW3 could be upon us.

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    2. Mos


      When I meant we, I mainly meant what the government thinks. I'm sure he doesn't like war, but I'm not sure what he thinks right. But I completely agree, the right thing to do was to not start the wars. But, these ISIS people decided to go rampant around all these major places, blowing themselves up causing chaos, killing innocent people. Obviously, we can't just wait for the next ISIS attack, and let them have us again, but, the ISIS people don't care, they'll just blo...

    3. Mos


      Blow themselves up, on what I know, the middle eastern areas have LOTS Of religious lands, which lots of different people want. This also happened ages ago, with the crusades. The crusades were where some people fought for some religious lands, I believe it was Christians fighting the Muslim faith for some land over in the Middle East. It's like that, but now, with more weapons and more groups of people/religions.

    4. Mos


      But the country of Syria is in a mess, but the roots from the fighting was because of the "I want it" kinda stuff. There were like 5 different types of contenders. Alawites, Sunnis, Christians and some others who I can't remember they all wanted the land, I think the alawites took control for a long time, but only 12% of Syria were alawites, and there were like 75% sunnis. Then there was probably some conflict over this, as I'm guessing the Sunnis were pretty annoyed at that.

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