Hi all,
I'm hoping the more 'techy' amongst you will be able to help me out... I've recently bought a Umarex (VFC) HK416 (CQB ver) and had my first proper game day with it yesterday... It performed ok but I'd like to get the gun to chrono higher than 290 FPS (ideally the 350 FPS mark) as well as add a larger tight bore barrel to it especially since I've now added a 180mm silencer (this one) to the gun, I could make use of the extra space to increase accuracy I guess!
So from research I've done so far (on YouTube), adding a new barrel seems fairy simple (well once you've got the hop-up unit added to it) so I plan to remove the old barrel and hop-up unit as one piece and leave it as a spare or in case in future I plan to remove the silencer again. So really I'm looking for advice on the following items I guess:
1) Best spring? (My site limit is 350FPS (absolutely no higher than 370FPS) so I guess I should be looking for an M100 spring?... I've heard that Guarder or Systema are probably the best?)
2) Best tight bore barrel you guys can recommend (455mm, I'm assuming best to go with 6.03mm width as 6.01mm version may jam a little too much for my liking) anyone used or recommend this MadBull one any good or recommend another brand over the Madbull one?
3) Best (complete - I'll need the bucking rubber too etc.) hop-unit?
This is my first real DIY upgrade after replacing motors etc. and money isn't really too much of an issue as I personally feel that you get what you pay for and I'd rather get the *best* bits I can now rather than get 'better' bits and maybe regret them later.
I know that this post may open a whole load of 'what do you mean by best' questions but I guess what I'm asking is, if you was upgrading these bits what would you upgrade them with (if money wasn't an issue - within reason of course, I'm not going to pay £500 for a hop-up unit ), you guys have more experience than me in upgrading guns and the quality of certain manufactures products etc.
Thanks all and I really appreciate any advise and if possible part numbers/site links so I can buy them
Thanks again,