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  • Guns
    G&P Magpul M4 MOE
    CO2 bolt sniper rifle (m40) project
  • Loadouts
    Random..mtp/american rig and civvie contractor loadouts
  • Sites
    Wherever, whenever.

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  1. Appreciate ya. I'll have a gander. I feel like it may be next year before I'm boots down but having some tools at hand to plan locations is ideal.
  2. As you seem knowledgeable @shadowfacexIs there a teams thread anywhere on here. Probably missed it getting sidetracked by all the other threads. Team play is what I loved the sport for and I have been part of 2 great teams, one long passed and the other still going but further down country.
  3. Sweet. Making my life far easier. Cheers bud
  4. Slightly. I already have a king arms m4 moe that needs a service and will be gtg and have my TM 416 devgru finally coming home after being sold to a mate but not being used so I'm taking custody back end of the year 🤣 Already have a PC and helmet and have always skirmished in old bdu pants since the days when blachawk down getup were the one. Need to look at a replacement sidearm as my old glock is a bit a chonky for real holsters.
  5. Thanks for the in depth reply, I will have to work through the list and find what fits. I enjoy the social of a random skirmish but like more structure in the games, a more defined area so caterrick sounds maybe my speed. I'm trying to avoid the speedsoft crowd, it's a branch of the sport that isn't what I look for as an ex speedball Paintball guy when I was a youth I feel like I've seen that and that is where (for me, to be clear) that belongs...a different discussion I suppose. Am I asking too much with the serious but not really category. Like finding teams etc like that. Thanks for the in depth reply, I will have to work through the list and find what fits. I enjoy the social of a random skirmish but like more structure in the games, a more defined area so caterrick sounds maybe my speed. I'm trying to avoid the speedsoft crowd, it's a branch of the sport that isn't what I look for as an ex speedball Paintball guy when I was a youth I feel like I've seen that and that is where (for me, to be clear) that belongs...a different discussion I suppose. Am I asking too much with the serious but not really category. Like finding teams etc like that Apologies for the weird merged double post. Boomer lyfe
  6. New to Newcastle area and looking to get back into the hobby. Any teams about or recommendations for sites near here? I'm thinking normal skirmish days but I'm more into casual milsim. By that I mean, team stuff, but not hard-core seal/so all must wear exact everything. If this makes little to no sense then general local info would be appreciated.
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