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  • Guns
    G&P MK18
    G&P/P* BlockII
    A&K Mk46
    WE Scar L
    WE Glock 17 +19
  • Loadouts
    Typical SF loadout ( airframe, jpc , crye trousers, Solomons)
  • Sites
    Combat Ready Airsoft (Crafty's)
  • Gender
  • Location
    Derby/Nottingham (On the border of both )
  • Interests
    Airsoft (Duh) , Gaming - Steam - BottledTorment

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  1. It's simple we boycott FireSupport.... If they have no money they have no power.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Shinobi
    3. jcheeseright


      oooooor, you can go out and read more than the flawed Yosser article and read the statements from people who are actually in the loop, then you'll realise that at no point was it suggested airsoft guns should be in the same category as air rifles.


    4. Shinobi


      Oh, sorry :/


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