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  1. Decided I want an M9 or a des eagle for my primary. You say TM m9 rails tend to break. Any recommendations for ones that don't tend to break? Lol also can you attach a torch to one of the TM des eagles? Or modify it so I can put one on it?
  2. Awesome, thanks for all the feedback guys . Been youtubing some of the TM guns and v happy with what I've seen . The TM desert eagle with high recoil looks sweet as. But I'll probs end up with 1 or 2 1911s
  3. Yea guess your right there, jus looking into what people are saying rele. I do like the m9s and the m1911s, so probs go with one of each. One thing I have noticed online is that they do have relatively low fps in comparison to other brands. Is this a bad thing?
  4. Well looks like the evidence against kwa and in favor of TM is building up lol I'm gnna check out some TM guns tnite. My idea was to have one decent reliable pistol with 3 spare mags and a full auto pistol/SMG for back up. Thanks for all the feedback people. Glad to know I'm not gonna look silly with jus pistols
  5. I googled it and I came to conclusion kwa were the better make. Mind u I would rather take the views of experienced players
  6. Thanks for feedback guys, I've heard tokyo marui pistols can break easily but heard great things boat KWA. Any personal experience with these weapons?
  7. Hello, I have a couple of questions regarding Gas blow back pistols. I really like pistols and I am thinking of doing a pistol only loadout rather than go for an AEG. For My first question I would like to know if 'pistol only' loadouts are normal and legitimate (will I get laughed at). Secondly what are the pros and cons of GBB pistols. I am thinking of getting a KWC M9 full metal GBB and the KWC full auto version as a secondary. Any help will be Mich appreciated. Thanks in advance
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