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  • Guns
    Upgraded VSR11 Sniper rifle
  • Loadouts
    Woodland and desert dpm's
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    None within 200 miles
  • Gender
  • Location
    scottish highlands
  • Interests
    Flashlights, shooting, mountain bikes and motorbicycles.

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  1. Anybody got an idea why my cm16 will contineu to fire a couple shots after releasing the trigger on full autio? it only seems to to it if i squeeze the trigger all the way back :/ pulling it half way and releasing it stops instantly..

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. rexfan10


      Ok, cheers Dave, i'll give that a try :D

    3. alwaysontheoffensive


      combat machines are great internally, not the best perfroming, but mine works a treat in the filed, gonna stikc a 6.01 tighbore in there mind fo the spread it gives!

    4. rexfan10


      So i just got an email frompro-airsoft supplies, they reccomend using a teflon/silicon spray and just inverting the gun and spraying a short burst into the trigger. Will let you all know if it works.


      I was considering getting a tbb somewhere along the line for my cm16, i'd be very inerested to hear about any improvements alwaysontheoffensive :)


      Cheers all, Rex.

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