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  • Guns
    tm/asg car-15/m733 carbine with a suppressor,

    m9 beretta
  • Loadouts
    osprey mark 2 body armour or voodoo tactical plate carrier in multicam
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    awa herts,
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    airsoft, swimming, cricket, scouts and air rifle competition shooting

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  1. want to get into sniping, my m4 is too un-reliable, does anyone have any bolt actions for sale?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. alwaysontheoffensive


      i know, but semi auto snipers are noisers and not as accurate or consistent i find

    3. AK47frizzle


      not as accurate and consistent? Dude, m14s have quite long barrels and you can have very nice tight bores which can be the same as sniper rifles. And they are just as consistent.

      I agree with you on noise because they are but have you ever though about gas? The KJW KC02 would make a very nice dmr and is very gas effiecient. http://www.airsoftworld.net/kj-works-kc-02-gas-blowback-tactical-rifle.html and good value.

    4. AK47frizzle


      not as accurate and consistent? Dude, m14s have quite long barrels and you can have very nice tight bores which can be the same as sniper rifles. And they are just as consistent.

      I agree with you on noise because they are but have you ever though about gas? The KJW KC02 would make a very nice dmr and is very gas effiecient. http://www.airsoftworld.net/kj-works-kc-02-gas-blowback-tactical-rifle.html and good value.

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