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  • Guns
    Krytac CRB
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    S.W.A.T Urban / Fortress
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  1. Planning to visit the Wolf Armouries shop this weekend for my birthday, hear the staff can be a bit dodgy but still looking forward to it!

    1. Zak Da Mack

      Zak Da Mack

      If you can sit on the tube for a couple of minutes, I recommend you go to Pro Airsoft Supplies which is more or less round the corner and is in my opinion: a lot better

    2. murph


      Don't see why not, thanks for the heads up!

    3. Zak Da Mack

      Zak Da Mack

      you're welcome. I just find the staff a lot more friendly to talk to and they helped me pick out the right gun for me.

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