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Dan's Ark

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Dan's Ark last won the day on August 24 2013

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Profile Information

  • Guns
    Classic Army M15A4 (Collapsible stock)
  • Loadouts
    None currently.........starting again!
  • Sites
    Gun Ho Airsoft, Guisborough (Now closed)
    NTAC, Durham
    Northern Alliance Airsoft, Dishforth
  • Gender
  • Location
    Middlesbrough, England
  • Interests
    Aviation, modern history, gaming.

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  1. Learned today the SAS now use the HK417, might look into that VFC one for an SAS Loadout in the future.............

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. joshcowin


      h&k made the last of l85's which in turn was/is s**t

    3. padraigthesniper


      i believe H&k improved the design of the originals as they were jamming like crap they didn't make the original design so its not a h&k weapon really otherwise it would be much better correct me if im wrong and also they dont seem that bad of a gun but how would i know never been able to fire one

    4. Kaneweeks


      Indeed, H&K didn't produce it, they redesigned it. They improved it drastically.

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