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Everything posted by YnysMongrel

  1. This arrived just before Christmas but I had to leave for a holiday later that day. I wondered if it would fit my EMG Noveske N4. It does! Perfectly! https://magpul.com/enhanced-ejection-port-cover.html?mp_global_color=118 Got mine from Blue Fieldsports in UK. I've never felt such joy from a piece of gear for less than £20! (and I got to chuck that horrible 300 BLK cover that came as standard)
  2. Update: I managed to find this: G&P Marui MWS M4 Gas BlowBack Buffer Tube (Long) from Firesupport and after filing the 'heights' of the threads down a bit it went in ok apart from sticking out too far into the receiver. All fixed now and works great. Now to just make it shoot slower so I can go to my local walk-on...
  3. Does anyone have the thread spec for the CYMA N4 lower? is it compatible with TM MWS? I have access to manufacturing and could actually make one.
  4. Hi, apologies for thread hijack! I'm after an A2 style buffer tube to fit the Cyma Noveske N4 lower, are there any that are guaranteed to fit? I've heard stories of incompatible threads. The reason is, I have a nice ex-EBairsoft Magpul PRS2 clone (from the days when they were called EbayBanned and before Magpul hit them with a cease and desist!) and I'd love to put it on a black Cyma CGS Noveske N4 GBB Receiver NSR9 Rail Set from HPA. A sort of urban sniper set-up! It is the version that will only fit on a completely round buffer tube, not the later version with the slot for the 'fin' on adjustable stocks.
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