So I quit for two reasons, three to be precise! :
1. FOGGGGG fcuk britain oh my days!
2. I'm blind it turns out (solution I'm going to buy some sports contacts!)
3. HPA wankas outgun me from DMR range with full auto (I have now ordered an MTW and will get the wanka badge in shame!)
I was going use mesh but meh....I want to use my Edge Eyeware, I got sold in the anti fog videos using blah blah technology...its bollocks sadly, I bought 10 different brands, tried ESS fog version also but it was tiny on my big sweed so never got a seal. The wipes were temporary relief at best....the only brand that did hold up almost were PMX (Pyramex) but the rubber split in the middle (ofc that would happen!).
I love what the guys above have done, especially the side on version, I'd love to see a video on how to do this or any guidance at all!