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Everything posted by Lyxis

  1. Lyxis

    THE TM MWS thread

    Thank you I can’t seem to locate where it could catch and what I have to file down. Is that part supposed to be plastic or metal ? from what I’ve done to the hop up, it seems to keep the setting and I’ve tightened the hop adjuster screw behind the gas block but I still have an inconsistent hop i tried several buckings, still the same issue sometimes it’s working good with consistent hop, and then a flyer, followed by several shots falling way below the target, and then it works again i tried a Modify Beige, Modify X-range 55 and a ML Autobot none of them wants to work properly maybe my mags still have some of TM’s oil in the BB guide tube and that could make them slip on the bucking idk I’m kinda lost tbh i can’t locate the issue
  2. Lyxis

    THE TM MWS thread

    Thank you for the first solution seeing how tight the barrel nut was stock when I first took it apart I find it weird it could be caused but over tightening it But I got a razor blade that I stuck on the side it was moving when tightening it all and now it’s all good For the second issue, I looked around the gun and took it appart to see what I could do i tried sticking a thin layer of soft plastic from a zip bag under the screw, to act like an o-ring, and got something to have more tension in the spring that pushes the pin to get the clicks From the few shot I took it seems like working but I’ll have to test it extensively more to be sure I worked thank you for your help !
  3. Lyxis

    THE TM MWS thread

    Hello everyone im running into some issues regarding the hop up on my MWS For the moment the only parts installed are a Modify Beige rubber, a Laylax hop arm and a PDI MWS barrel (250mm for 6.01mm in diameter) I have two issues, both related but somehow independent too the first I have is when tightening the barrel nut, the hop up unit tilts to the side and the arm get stuck i can increase hop but the dial is pretty hard to rotate. Once set, I can turn down the hop up how I want, the arm is stuck in his position and won’t move at all, keeping all the pressure down until I shoot (not ideal at all) i saw that depending on how I maintain the outer barrel while tightening it can help, but my hands are not as strong as I need to tighten it down with the wrench I can manage to solve it a bit but it’s still annoying (since it’s all stock parts of the URG-I version except the 3 parts mentioned earlier) The second issue is the most concerning and I noticed it when I got the first one a bit solved My hop up dial is actually moving down on each shot i can set it however I want, when I shoot the hop up is turned down until minimum hop is applied and BBs rolls down the barrel I figured it out when I was shooting, I could fire 2 or 3 rounds correctly, then I can see the trajectory going down, until I have literally no hop, and BBs are falling down when I tilt the rifle. this wasn’t happening when I got the gun stock, and it went through 500 rounds before, no problem but now the dial won’t hold the hop setting, even though I never took appart or touched the hop unit inside the upper receiver (I only took appart the unit in the outer barrel for the bucking) Sorry for the wall I just wrote lol but I never encountered this issue nor saw it before on MWS discussions (may have missed it) is there any way to fix that ? If you have a permanent fix for the first part it would be cool, but I think I can work with it But the second issue is the most concerning thank you !
  4. Lyxis

    THE TM MWS thread

    Mostly externally I already got a Layla’s hop up arm, a Modify beige bucking (X-range 55 degree are out of stock everywhere for me) and a PDI barrel I went looking in every Japan store, impossible to find any P-mag sadly 😔😔 I also bought a Surefire style suppressor from Airsoft Artisan got some ambi selector and mag release Didn’t installed all those for the moment, the rifle is in the case waiting to come back to France maybe if anyone knows a good sling mount for the handguard, and a ref for a decent (but not 200€) ngal replica maybe I also happen to have an Odin Speedloader I cant seem to find any adapter online available for MWS, but I’m sure I’ve seen some does one know if it’s something I can buy ?
  5. Lyxis

    THE TM MWS thread

    Holy sh- hey everyone I’ve been reading this thread for way too long time, and now it’s my time to join the MWS family Finally got my hands on one I’m more than ready to run this boi on the field I got the URGI version of the MWS, I don’t remember when it came out, but in France seems like it’s almost impossible to get hands on it Im looking for some advices on what simple things to add on it i already got some parts up for it Got 5 spare mags (the sixth one is for a friend) (also don’t mind the inner barrel, it’s for my SRS) if you have any idea on what I should add, feel free to express yourself, I’ll take any suggestions thank you !
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