Hello everyone
im running into some issues regarding the hop up on my MWS
For the moment the only parts installed are a Modify Beige rubber, a Laylax hop arm and a PDI MWS barrel (250mm for 6.01mm in diameter)
I have two issues, both related but somehow independent too
the first I have is when tightening the barrel nut, the hop up unit tilts to the side and the arm get stuck
i can increase hop but the dial is pretty hard to rotate. Once set, I can turn down the hop up how I want, the arm is stuck in his position and won’t move at all, keeping all the pressure down until I shoot (not ideal at all)
i saw that depending on how I maintain the outer barrel while tightening it can help, but my hands are not as strong as I need to tighten it down with the wrench
I can manage to solve it a bit but it’s still annoying (since it’s all stock parts of the URG-I version except the 3 parts mentioned earlier)
The second issue is the most concerning
and I noticed it when I got the first one a bit solved
My hop up dial is actually moving down on each shot
i can set it however I want, when I shoot the hop up is turned down until minimum hop is applied and BBs rolls down the barrel
I figured it out when I was shooting, I could fire 2 or 3 rounds correctly, then I can see the trajectory going down, until I have literally no hop, and BBs are falling down when I tilt the rifle.
this wasn’t happening when I got the gun stock, and it went through 500 rounds before, no problem
but now the dial won’t hold the hop setting, even though I never took appart or touched the hop unit inside the upper receiver (I only took appart the unit in the outer barrel for the bucking)
Sorry for the wall I just wrote lol
but I never encountered this issue nor saw it before on MWS discussions (may have missed it)
is there any way to fix that ?
If you have a permanent fix for the first part it would be cool, but I think I can work with it
But the second issue is the most concerning
thank you !