I registered on Airsoft Hub in Sept to have a look at what was for sale on the website.
So I spotted an item for sale, so I sent a message saying I am interested in buying it.
Got no reply, tried again a few days later, no reply, and again still no reply,
so I said I'll look elsewhere.
Spotted another item again contacted the seller; again no reply tried again nothing
so I moved onto a third item; again the same as the first two.
Yet people are adding items for sale (currently just under 7000), yet nothing seems to be sold ?
So my question is; has anyone used Airsoft Hub to buy an item and why is it SO hard to get anyone
to reply to a message about buying an item they have for sale ?
I even used their contact page and a few days later the websites email address to send a message
to ask them to contact the sellers that someone was interested in buying something they had for sale;
I have heard nothing back.
How can a website say it's market place for items; yet no one replies when contacted about a possible sale ?
Any info / advice would be appreciated.
To me it seems ODD that people can add items for sale on the website, but a possible buyer cannot get a reply
from any seller about an item they have for sale; nor do the admin staff reply when asked for help ?