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Everything posted by Reef

  1. I've bought three starter RIF's in the last 6 months for myself, son and daughter. One G&G Raider and two Specna Arms, one Flex and the other Daniel Defense Core. The Specna Arms definitely feel nicer to use with better triggers, they also seem a little more accurate. All were under £180 each. I will replace my CM16 at some point but to be honest still having loads of fun with it and will only replace with a better rifle when it breaks.
  2. Argh, this upgrading thing is a slippery slope. I wish one of you would have warned me! So with the AA hop up, the adjustment is done with a Alan key through the magazine port. This is not ideal so I've been looking at a TDC unit. Anyone use one, what are they like and where did you get it from?
  3. Met Mr Hewes today and spent 20min’s talking to him. He’s honestly a top bloke and exactly like he is on film. The FV4005 is an impressive bit of kit. As for the VSR, fitted the parts yesterday afternoon, was more fiddly than hard to do. The rifle works but yet to test it outside of the garden so don’t know if it’s made a difference. Thanks for all the advice👍
  4. We had a look at a Mk23, nice pistol but huge in his little hands. The last few games my son has been going with a friend, him with the VSR and his friend with a AEG. They play at being a sniper team, one shooter, one spotter. I’m not sure how effective they are but they’re having fun creeping around so that’s fine with me. 😀 I’ve got the parts for the VSR and will give it a go this weekend (after Tankfest) wish me luck!
  5. @Impulse That’s great news and great advice, thank you. I’ll order the parts you recommend, minus the barrel for now and see how he gets on. I’ve never stripped a rifle before but watched a few videos and it doesn’t look too hard. thanks again. Dave
  6. My son really likes his totally standard VSR10 but wants more range. I’ve got quotes for upgrading and am more than happy to pay. As he’s only 12 I have a real worry about his ability to cock the gun. Guys we’ve spoken to at games have been more than happy to let my son try cocking their sniper rifles. To be honest they have all been a struggle but most are running 2+ joule. Even today he tried a gun with a 130 spring and it was hard. What I don’t want to do is spend 300+ upgrading a gun he can’t use or then putting in such a weak spring that it’s pointless having the upgraded parts. I guess what I’m asking is, could I put a slightly more powerful spring in the stock VSR10 for now until he’s a bit older and stronger? If so, how far would you go? One of the things he really likes about the VSR10 is it being almost silent, he’s learning his fieldcraft and getting a real sneaky bugger 😀
  7. Reef

    1911 issue?

    Thank you for the quick reply Asomodai, The problem was happening when I had just filled the magazine and started shooting right away, the mag was really cold. I’ll refill and let the mag warm up before shooting and see the difference. I did take the slide off and thought it looked dry but don’t know enough to to be sure. I do have silicone oil so will lube it and see. Is there any areas to be wary of when lubing it up? Thanks again
  8. Reef

    1911 issue?

    I’ve just bought my first gas pistol and am having an issue. It’s a TM MEU 1911 The first few mag worth of BB’s I put through the gun worked fine. Now I’m starting to have issues where the blow back is not working and not loading the next BB, I have to manually cock it it get it going again. It will then work for a few shots and stop again. The slide will also not retract when the mag is empty. Before I take it back to the shop, could I be doing something wrong? I’ve looked at a few YouTube videos and I’m not convinced I’ve been putting gas in the magazine correctly as I seem to get a lot of gas escaping. Also the gas will only last for one load of BB’s and I’ve heard there should be enough gas for another reload. Any thoughts? On a side note I love the gun, I went in the shop to buy a Glock 17 or Beretta M9, they guy in the shop handed me the 1911 and it really felt right.
  9. We were at Dogtag today as well. Enjoyed the new area, I didn’t know that arena with the ‘castle’ existed so it was a surprise. I did hear the issues with hit taking, the marshal had to remind everyone after the first round which was the first time I’ve heard them do that. A shame that was happening but I still had a blast with a few good gun battles.
  10. Thanks Rogerborg, I’m sure the Marshal said 1.17 but will check next time we crono. I need to understand this ‘joule creep’ and ‘hop up’ terminology. Still don’t really get it. 😂
  11. Thanks for the reply's guys. I didn't realise this thread was still going It is a brand new stock TM VSR we have. My son (12) is happy with the range using .28's at the moment, I'm sure we will be upgrading the internals at some point though. My worry with heavier springs is his ability to cock the gun. When/if I get to have a go with the gun in the field I will get a better idea of what needs to be done. Thanks again for all the info, its a learning curve for me.
  12. Not at the moment, my son said he had a great time so that’s all that matters for now. The distance rule didn’t worry him yesterday but let’s see what happens after a few games. I’d be interested to see the difference in performance v BB weights first before changing springs, etc. No rush…. I spent a few years modding Subaru’s so understand the cost in chasing a performance figure 😂. Thanks for the input.
  13. Thanks impulse, he’s been watching people like Sillyghillie and CamMan, I’ve just seen the prices of a decent suit so yes, field craft will come first! The rest I used to have for camera lenses had polystyrene balls inside so was light and you could shape them, bit like a small beanbag. I also think the idea or Velcro is great, I’ll see what I can come up with.
  14. Thanks, I told him to just use the terrain or branches to hold the gun up. Anything that makes it notably heavier I think is bad news, one of its key things is it’s so light. I’ll get him to try again and see what he says. Great idea on the pouch, I’ve used something similar for camera lenses in the past.
  15. Well I said I’d report back. I think the gun crono’d at 1.17 with .28 BB’s. Marshall’s said we had to adhere to the 30m rule which was fine. We will use the heavier BB’s as recommended by you guys next time but I’d already bought the .28’s so thought we’d use them as a test. How did the games go? No idea, my son took the rifle and hogged it the whole time… He said it was excellent and really enjoyed using it. The only game where he switched to his other gun was the last game which was a CQB. He said we need to get a Bipod as it was hard to hold for long periods, can anyone recommend one? Hopefully I’ll get a look in next time we play but I’ve just seen him searching for ghilly suits so I’m not sure.
  16. Just done this journey myself. My son and I played four games as rental before buying any rifles. This was to make sure it’s something we wanted to do and also get the UKARA defence so we didn’t have to buy two tone. For protective stuff I’ve got full face covering (goggles, face shield) hat, gloves and knee pads. Face covering and hat is a good idea because as a new player you will get hit… a lot! We play woodland so rifles were a no brainier. Spent about £170 each on rifles + scope, strap, spare mags, BB’s, battery charger, carry bag, This is taking into account you already having the proper clothing and boots.
  17. We actually bought the rifle from Surplus Store. I won’t be able to get over there before Saturday but happy to give it a go with stock spring. I found a hank of rope in the garage that is 30m and laid it out, it’s actually not as far as I thought. Looks like our usual engagement distance for our AR’s on a wide game to be honest. Thanks for all the help and advice, really appreciated.
  18. Thanks Rogerborg, I've got a lot to learn on this, I've never fired a boltie and haven't put a round through our new gun yet. I'll see what happens the weekend and report back I think we've fallen into the typical noob trap of getting over excited and buying loads of stuff. Hey ho, what else is money for.
  19. I've just worked it out using an online calculator on .28 BB's which I'm planning on using. Totally get that it would be impractical to treat each gun on a case by case biases and I will stick to the 30m rule if asked too. I'll talk to the marshals when I get the gun chrono'd on Saturday and see what's said. Thanks for the input and glad it wasn't a stupid question Thanks Impulse, I will take .2, .25, .28 BB's with me so if needs be I can make sure I'm under the 1.14J limit. The marshalls have been really helpful so far at the site so I'll take their advice. Personally I don't have an issue with the 30m limit but my son who's 12 wants to use the rifle and I don't think he can judge distances as well as me, I don't want to get him into trouble or piss off other players. We don't have sidearms (yet). My son and i will come down to Worthing Airsoft soon, only heard good things about this place.
  20. Hello, I'm going to ask this question at our local site this weekend but was wondering on the thoughts of the collective. We've just bought a VSR10 and reading the local sites rules the engagement distance is 30m for snipers. I've worked out that the joule rating of the VSR10 will be around 1.16 max and at the site says snipers can go up to 2.3 Joule. This makes me think that the gun will be woefully underpowered for 30m. My questions are, why is the distance set on the type of gun and not the joule/power? As the rifle is lower powered is it the 'done thing' to engage at a closer distance? Sorry if this is a daft question, I'm sure I'm missing something.
  21. My son and I have bought our first sniper rifle, a TM VSR10 G. It was a choice between a pistol each or the rifle. The pistols will have to wait… We bought a couple of mil-dot scopes second hand and have been told they are ok although haven’t tried using them yet. The scopes are 3-9x40 and a 3-9x50 which has red/green illumination. The 50 is a bit of a monster so I’m going to try the 40 first. TBH we are in new territory with sniper stuff so any advice would be greatly received. I do have a few questions which I will research on here like, what weight BB’s to use, how to set up a scope.
  22. I’m using Hero Sharks mesh goggles and anti fog spray on my glasses. Seems to work ok.
  23. Hi, Sorry if this is the wrong place to ask this. My son and I have a few days free and were wondering if anyone knows of any Airsoft event happening in the UK on the 6-7th April. We've played a number of woodland battles and although very much still Noobs fancy trying something on a bigger scale. Maybe a mix of Urban and Woodland, village, factory. Is there anything going on that might suit us? Thanks
  24. Ahh, another passion of mine, motorcycles! One photo is me with the throttle on the stop of my 1924 Sunbeam and the other is my last road bike which was a little 125 which was so much fun!
  25. Sorry, my marketing head is vibrating (ooerr) Is there a way to access the UKARA database to find out things like increase/decrease in membership, active members, geographic location, age, etc? This could be good data on the current membership and possibly show areas for growth. It won't show us how to target them but if we know there's an increase in member under 20 years old (for example) we can promote to those people in there mediums.
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