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  • Guns
    Too many
  • Loadouts
    Old school, certainly scruffy by the RSM standards
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    Alpha 55
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    North Wales

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  1. Yes, TW guns do have have some bargains, but unfortunately, they are not currently shipping to the UK,. A shame really, especially after seeing the new Mp5 model from Cyma yesterday.
  2. Now to those who want one, this is a cracking price a blast from the past, If you're a G36 fan, it might interest you. SRC seems to have dropped some more on the market in the last few months. But, it's like my marmite toast, you like it, or loathe it. All the three colours are there as well. https://gunfire.com/en/products/sr8-2-carbine-replica-black-1152197097.html
  3. Those are some pretty hot bargains there. Especially the Cyma SVU if that's your bag. But all the others listed are a great price as well. Thanks for the share Asomodai
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