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  1. Cool. You guys that have answered already, would you be coming as indivduals or groups? Just trying to get numbers together to make it worth while. I have a group of 5 down already. Thanks for the input so far.
  2. First off - this is the best place i could see for this post - however if its in the wrong place then apologies to the Mods. Ive played air soft a few times recently at a few good sites, being a paintball player and site owner from the past i can see how games should work, whats exciting, what works etc etc. Ive been speaking to players at the sites ive played at, and also shop owners when ive been going to get new gear - one thing that ive heard is that sites seem to be closing or are too big or too small etc etc - you cannot please everyone, but new sites are needed. Anyway back on point, and i will make it short and sharp. Theres a paintball only site currently classed as Northampton/Wellingborough. I know the owner, and have told him to open his site up to airsoft - which he is open to - it gives the players another place to play. Bennefits are: Freindly staff Independantly owned CQB and open game zones Plentry of parking HPA available Clean site - plenty of bins Refreshments Im suggesting an open day for 30 players - Free of charge for the day. Bacon Rolls, Tea and Coffee supplied Free of charge too. Marshalls (air soft enthusiasts too) for the day are also included. Bring your own Kit and BBs as these wont be supplied. All we ask in return is that after the games are finished for the day, you spend some time with us giving feedback on the gamezones, site in general, if you would come back etc etc. This can also be done on breaks! If there is enough interest here, i will post up a date in jan, and take the first 30 playes that list themsleves down. If the feedback is good, then i will follow this up as a perm Air soft site and do the necessary to open officially. Thanks for looking.
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