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    64式7.62mm小銃 / 89式5.56mm小銃 「バディ」/ 5.56mm機関銃MINIMI
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  1. Is there a difference between fog on one's eyepro, and moisture on one's eyepro? I never seem to get that type of fog which clears up with sufficient airflow - you know, the type that if it's on a car window, you can write rude words on it with your finger. The "fog" that appears on my eyepro is more akin to moisture - I can see right through it, but my vision is all distorted (so just as crippling). 

    Am I tackling the wrong problem here? Am I special? Or stupid? I've tried using Fog Stop, Muc-Off anti-fog spray, fan-assisted shooting glasses, and nothing seems to stop this moisture-fog from showing up and needing a wipe.


    It's all so tiresome.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. EDcase


      You can't really use too much anti-fog but it only works up to a point.


      I drilled lots of holes in my FMA Fast helmet.  Helps a bit but on hotter days I use a baseball cap 


    3. Dan Robinson

      Dan Robinson

      As Per Mr Helmet - my Anti Fog fanned goggles are great when it is just the fogging - I also augment them with MuckOff.  The problem arises when my overhanging Neanderbrow gets saturated with sweat and it literally pours down the lenses through contact from the eyebrows.  I have just invested in some headbands to see if it helps at least divert the liquid away.


      Matters are not helped by me being overweight, overloaded (full MkiV Osprey kit) and growing my hair long.



    4. pyromancer6


      I used to have insane fogging issues, tried cat crap, muck off etc but nothing really did the trick properly until I just ended up biting the bullet and getting the full novritsch anti fog setup alongside the rx lens inserts - now I don't even need to coat either my goggles or inserts with anti-fog as the unit on nearly full whack is enough to give me mostly clear vision. Best decision I've ever made - although maybe it's not a one-size fits all affair as I just run a boonie rather than a full helmet (still use a full balaclava though)

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