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    64式7.62mm小銃 / 89式5.56mm小銃 「バディ」/ 5.56mm機関銃MINIMI
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  1. Are Revision anti-fog wipes supposed to be... dry?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Monkman


      They have a nano-particle infused into the material.. Yes it's a dry wipe.   I handed out 1/2 a dozen today to people who were misting up badly.... Nothing worse than trying to play airsoft and you can't see.  Many years ago a bloke from the RAF Regiment was @ out site and handed me wipe... I have been using them ever since... :)

    3. Gunboat Diplomat

      Gunboat Diplomat

      Can confirm mine come out of the packet bone dry and leave no visual residue on the lens, yet somehow keep me more or less mist free all day.  

    4. MrTea


      Mine are always bone dry, no residue or oiliness. I breathe on my lens to mist it up and then use the wipes on it.

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