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Status Updates posted by Knapp86

  1. Hi all.

    A friend of mine acquired a TM 1911 government in the olive green box a while back and it’s full metal. Never seen a TM pistol full metal before. Is this a thing? Or a one off? It’s got all colt trades and TM markings. 

    if anyone knows more about it that would be great 👍 

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. hitmanNo2


      Awfully similar don't you think?...https://www.airsoft-hub.com/item/7224

    3. Knapp86


      It looks like that one. There no white colt trades on it. Don’t have to get ya jacobs in a knot! 😂👍

    4. hitmanNo2


      I don't think anyone's Jacob is in a knot. Except for maybe your techs? It's just good to be accurate. I'm sure you want to make sure your friend knows exactly what he has incase that was sold to him as a TM and he was ripped off.

  2. Hi all I’ve been searching high and low for a rail system for an Sig 552 if anyone could point me in the right direction or has one going spare please give me a shout. It’s for a classic army. Many thanks 😊👍

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Knapp86


      Thanks bud but from experience ICS stuff is very proprietary and don’t fit other brands. Thanks for getting back to me. Might be worth a gamble though coz there really ain’t much about otherwise. 👍

    3. Krisz


      Yes that's airsoft for you. 😕

      So many years passed and yet manufacturers can't even make the same standardised M4 magwells and M4 magazines...

    4. Knapp86


      Copy that!.. it’s a pain in the arse! I’ll probably just buy an ICS one and bastardise it fit! 🤷‍♂️

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