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  1. @Impulse @Rogerborg lads, thank you for going above and beyond! Genuinely 10/10 guys! Massively appreciate you taking the time to help me out! You have given me a lot to think about, I'm going to sleep on it but as of right now I'm thinking I could go with that M40 bundle, purely because, its cheap and if I either don't enjoy the sniping or I end up wearing it down then its no biggy, it'll give me a taste, and if after that I end up really loving it then I can commit to something like the "Steyr Scout" Rogerborg mentioned! Plus the scope and the bipod it comes with I could reuse on another gun at some point down the line once the M40 has either died out or been retired which is a bonus! That said I actually just added it up, I could get the Well MB-03 with the same scope and bipod for pretty much the same price so.......yeah, will sleep on it! Also Impuse, am keen to do this as I feel even if the guns only a wee bit "upgraded" it'll give me a better experience but again I'm a complete green noob, any chance you could give me some pointers or recommend what bits to buy etc? Like I've said though you've both already went completely above and beyond so just tell me to bugger off if I'm being too much of a pain! The last thing I was going to mention was suppressors, obviously, very cool and aesthetically pleasing but should I be looking at one at this stage? Would a wee cheap one be worth it or would I hurt the guns performance?
  2. Alright lads, me and some mates have been getting into airsoft over the last year and a half, id still say we're pretty green but i'm deep enough to know that i enjoy it and i'm probably going to be doing it for the foreseeable future. I've always fancied sniping and i've been looking at where to start, i'm very much a sort of "in with two feet" kinda guy, i like to get stuck right into the deep end, i want a good solid rifle that does the job. Like i said i am rather green but the guys at the last site i was at told me "FPS is king" when i asked them about it, so i've done a wee bit of research and these are the three ive been looking at. (Please let me know if im going about this in completely the wrong way) https://www.patrolbase.co.uk/evolution-airsoft-covert-ops-m40-sniper-bundle https://www.patrolbase.co.uk/well-mb03a-sniper-rifle https://www.patrolbase.co.uk/well-mb-08a-warrior-i-fluted-barrel-w-folding-stock So the first one is ideal, i love how it looks, it comes with a bunch of kit and it to me seems like excellent value, the only thing is it has pretty low FPS, coming in a 330, im told this particular gun is a really good starting point as its super easy to upgrade etc so i guess i could up the FPS but again as a total noob id be worried id mess it all up! This however is my favorite. This next one seems like the sensible option but it just doesn't get me going the way the first one does, there's something about it, that said it is crazy cheap and is coming in at 401 FPS which seems pretty great and aesthetics ain't all that important as i plan to customise the look a fair bit anyway with sprays and meshes etc The last one is sort of at the top top end of my budget, baring in mind id need to get a scope etc for it, crazy high fps at 470, again i don't love it as much as the first one but i still think it looks stunning!!! The big turn off is that its double the price with no extras. Don't get me wrong, im no fool, i know this aint a cheap "hobby" so the price ain't that much of a turn off, but in the back of my head i'm sort of like, would it be cheaper/better to just get the first one and then upgrade it? But again going back to the noob thing i have no idea!! Any help would be much appreciated lads, i've been deliberating over this for about 3-4 months and could use any help or advice! Cheers!
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