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Posts posted by lemon191

  1. when the shop opens in the morning :P

    f*cking yanks got it two days early :rolleyes:

    ohh I though you meant the actual game lol

    tbh I haven't heard a yank speak yet all been non English speaking countries which are even worse lol

  2. lucky bugger...

    I'm setting an alarm for tomorrow morning and will get up in time to be the first person in game :P

    first person? you know all the multiplayer servers are already running people haveu already started unlocking stuff seeing lasers being used etc

    mAnaged a few goes in the helis but not a jet yet :'(

    and the karkand pack isn't downloadable yet and it still shows as yet to be announced on the store

  3. must admit ever since i saw bf3 was coming out i was very tempted to borrow money to get a new desktop but as im still paying off my car i thought it best not add another better part of 1k on top of that lol


    arrived in todays post =] just waiting for the gf to finish watching her rubbish soaps :(

  4. Grr keep it up smarty pants one day we will meet on thee battlefield and no quarter shall be given nor asked for.

    its ok ill use the extra day for some practice mwhaha :D


    another note did anyone else miss the extra classes that bf2 had? i used to like the old setup with classes, it would have stopped dicks useing the rpg as a main weapon which i saw quite alot in the beta as people started to unlock them. and not be as easy to be a loner like cod etc where one person can do most roles.


    is teh commander system back i always thought that was a good one to play every now and then

  5. I know its so damn annoying i usualy order from them but not enough money to buy out righ so had to go with gamestation to get it lol now have the monies however but meh.

    im sure they dont take the money from you until they are ready to post so you could have still ordered. dont mean to rub salt in the wounds there :P

  6. Not quite sure how you've managed that.. UK release is meant to be the 28th, so unless they have it in some kind of slow post system, I'm stumped :P


    Amazon say they will be dispatching mine on the 27th, to arrive at some point after (I was cheap and didn't pay for release day delivery)

    play always seem to post pre orders out so they arrive the day before release, its being send standard 3-5 day but only normaly takes a few days so should be here thursday :P

  7. bloody high cap heros! get low caps! I dont own a High cap anymore its great!

    lol 2 of the mags are high and the other 2 are mids i will switch to some more mids next year as there is other stuff i want to get before i replace what ive already got that work.

  8. nick i agree acu is awful as a camo (although i think its supposed to work well in a grey rocky terrain and would have thought urban setting wouldnt be to bad) but i like it. and tbf when playing unless you are a sniper lying still the camo wont do alot to hide you whatever you wear.

    the gun wasnt painted by me but id guess he was going for a bhd look, not exactly alike but it looks good imo and i dout anyone will moan to much as its close enough to get away with imo

  9. bought that M733 from the classifieds didnt you? Saw it earlier, i became sad when i read it was sold :'(

    yes bud! drove down and picked it up earlier today took about hour each way but was worth it.


    Looking nice :)

    You need to paint the other magazines though

    tbh i dout id do a good enough job so ill leave them, the painted one is a high and i only do very short bursts so lasts a while anyway.

  10. just pre ordered it , can't wait to play the older maps .

    are consoles only going to be 12v12 as that could be the only thing to hold the game bac k for consoles imo. as for the guns as dlc not sure it will happen unless they limit there use to the maps from the map pack only

  11. anyone know how to mute people on the beta for ps3? getting annoyed with the usual random people just making noises and bitching about how they shouldnt have just died over their mics and not using them for what they were designed for..

  12. i hope they havent changed wake island to much it was such a great map in bf2 *drools*

    and the expansion pack looks great, i hope activision are taking notes on how to make a decent game..

    if i remember correctly wasnt the l85 abit under powered against most of teh other guns in bf2 ? i did like the gun but didnt use it much as it wasnt that great.

  13. Ive played it on the ps3 and the xbox as well as the pc. Ps3 def sucked, Pc was visually the best and gameplay xbox rules. this game is capable of hosting a 250 player match on pc and I have been watching plenty of 128 players games on youtube and they ran without lag.

    I have preordered it and cant wait! Add me on xbox live 'RB ST3AL'

    How can you even ask what the prone button?? come on, the controller only has like 10 buttons and if you press start and options the controller layout is right there..its like standing in front of a door and asking how do you open it...read the sign!!! so if you having controller problems i feel bad for you son... B)

    a decent pc setup will always beat the consoles no question about that, while i havent played bf3 on xbox so cant compare xbox v ps3 but on other games (cod for example) ive never noticed any huge differences between the 2 to warrent the slagging off that the ps3 seems to get. either way doesnt matter ive never cared much about the graphics being the best as long as they are better than what came before im happy lol

    such a shame i havent got a capable pc to play it :( mouse/keyboard rules at fps

  14. If you pre-order of Amazon then do you still get the map pack thing, though does anyone know the best place to pre-order other than amazon even if they do the maps, but i have seen the play.com, game, gamestation and i cant decide, game and gamestation dont do anything but amazon have the skins?? (im not sure what they are if anyone would like to enlighten me on what they are) and play.com with dog tags, so skins vs dog tags, which are more beneficial.

    the only extra that is worth getting is the map pack, the dog tags/skins are just ingame extras to customize your player/profile so totaly pointless really but id defo try and pre order to get the map pack to save yourself abit of dosh later when they release it for everyone to buy

  15. i get the feeling the beta release isnt anything to do with the final release with it being so close as well id take a guess at they have the final game and this is just a earlier build that they have put out just so they can say they did a beta but thats just my opinion


    still quite funny watching someones gun dismantle itself in mid air lol just like the bf2 did

  16. ive been playing it about half hour now on ps3 and ignoring the bugs as they will get sorted i think the gameplay is great, not as easy to get kills as cod imo as larger maps mean you need abit more skill to kill than in any of the cod games. the graphics while i wouldnt say they blew my mind or that much better than the current fps but they are certainly good, guns look nice, as for the sounds well at the moment most people will probably be using the basic guns and they are very similar to each other so will sound similar but again i think this game will be the best for gameplay and as far as consoles are concerned its the closest game ive ever played that has come close to bf2 on the pc.

    definatly looking forward to choppers etc and more weapon/map variety

  17. just been given a tm ak47 by a friend hes never been interested in airsoft but wanted to collect guns so got it years ago., but he said hes grown out of it now (pfft never to old :P) and he lost the charger so decided it was useless to him and gave me it, thankfully i have a charger for it.



    first thing i noticed was how heavy the thing and how long it was! rof is pretty quick though (compared to what ive been used to)


    wont go with my american acu really but it will do until i can get a m4/16

  18. where did you get it from? do you have a link? i might get some US woodland or something similar. it looks high quality :)

    i got the kit as a set from airsoft-club, its not got the quality of the proper stuff obviously but it certainly isnt bad for teh price tbh

    heres a link and they have quite alot of choice camo wise



    Looking good but I don't like the Union Flag on that ACU kit :)


    anyway as a fellow BHD fan why don't you go for a BHD loadout?


    the flag patch is just a freebie they send i wont be using it if i do put any patchs on it i would only put one of those olive drab us flags flags

    and that is something i will be doing but im going to go with this first get a main rifle (most likely an m16 or m4) then have a look at getting a m14 to go for the randy style kit

  19. tip: most people say to push your arms in, keep as small as poss. basically those elbows, put 'em down a bit. :) Thats how the US army rangers go, so should you lol

    cheers bud


    i was really only doing a quick pose for the camera wasnt really trying to do any realism in it but cheers for the adive though!

    also the arms for some reason are really baggy on these lol the rest fits pretty nice just the baggy arms look abit out of place lol

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