Appreciate all the comments guys. Sadly and disappointingly not very constructive. But to set your minds at ease on a few things.
1) it is not "a trap" and we are NOT a data collecting website. The OPTION to sign up for news and updates is exactly that. The site is currently still under construction and as such not live for people to view. Nobody is under any obligation to give any more information than an email address. And you can just as quickly unsubscribe.
2) Being an avid player for over 7 years does not require me to sign up to every forum, facebook and social media site going. I chose to post on here as it would enable me to reach a large audience. An audience at which this website is aimed. Please feel free to view the website when it is live and judge its content then. I find it strange that people posess the ability to judge a website before it is launched. You are all more than welcome to contact me with any questions you may have regarding the website, its content and how you can use it.
3) Yes a wix site. Due to be linked to a domain shortly. Wix is a very user friendly web building platform allowing me to create meaningful content for my users. The site will be launched under the domain of
4) Sadly there are always those who will judge with no prior information. For those who are genuinely interested in learning more about the site, you are more than welcome to sign up to the news letter. If you are concerned about "data Collecting" please bypass that and email me directly at
[email protected] I would be more than happy to discuss the site with you.
5) As with all things, we all started somewhere. I like to think that the airsoft community is one where players, shop owners and all the people inbetween work together to make the sport and its followers a better place to be. Im happy to receive negative comments all day long if thats how people are wired. But please guys, keep it constructive.