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Everything posted by ModernTimes

  1. Really fair points. Honestly I don't have much to go on and I think I'm slightly overthinking it but your really right in saying that there's no point me paying more for basically the exact same gun in terms of internals and how it handles so I will put the C08 as my backup instead of the one original C25 mentioned in the topic. It looks good and it's cheaper than the others I was considering and it is basically a middle ground between a PDW and a full longer barrel carbine so I do really like it. Thanks for mentioning the spring Rogerborg. I didn't really know you could actually do that haha Yeah I did have a bit of a issue with the weight but I carried a similar weighted gun in a match and I didn't find it too bad so I assumed it was going to be fine but another good point. No point paying more for just extra weight. I know it might seem like I'm making a bit stupid decision but I really don't have much to go on other than other people's experiences and reviews and quite honestly this whole picking the gun thing is just confusing so I appreciate everyone who has commented and helped me out. Thank you! Thanks for the recommendation but as another poster mentioned I think the C08 is just overall better. I just wanted the smaller form factor because I thought it would help it being lighter and whilst it does I believe it slightly lowers the range and now looking at it more and more after sifting through multiple guns over the past week I kind of prefer longer barrels. 😂 No clue what this is but I'll have a look into it and see if I can learn how to do it. Thanks for the tip!
  2. For anyone following the topic. I have decided to settle for either the gun I initially chose (Specna Arms SA-C25 CORE) but slightly leaning more towards the G&G Armament Combat Machine CM16 Both guns have really great reviews and seem like great starter rifles, only thing I slightly do not like about the CORE series rifle is that it's a PDW which would mean I'd need to buy more parts to make it into a standard carbine. Thank you to everyone who replied and helped! I will still however be on active lookout for a CYMA M4 as that is the rifle I really want. It's just sold out everywhere for now. I appreciate the suggestion but I don't like the look of this gun too much. I think the stock is a weird shape and the barrel looks overly futuristic with it's mesh/netting type design. It does seem like a really good gun though.
  3. I'm not concentrating on it I just want my kit to look good same way you'd want a car that looks nice, a rifle that looks nice, a piece of furniture. I'm there to have fun not act out a theoretical WW3 where my gear has to be realistic whilst being as efficient as possible. As I said I am looking for practicality alongside also looking good which I believe is entirely possible if I pick my gear correctly. Most people I encountered in airsoft all had very neat good solid looking kit that was also practical and that's what I want. I get that you might feel different and you might want practical kit over looks but I don't feel the same way.
  4. Yeah I see what you mean. I do like the general look of this so I am looking to copy it somewhat but I'm not expecting to copy everything. Realistically I just want the trousers with no straps or bags on the side, the vest, ghillie hood (that matches the woodlands properly), mask, goggles and helmet. I am looking for a good Instagram looking setup with decent space for ammo/mags that is also light and practical. I'm not interested in making it look real or making it very efficient as I'm not overly into the military or tactical gear as a whole just really want to have it for the looks. The top I want full ghillied including the helmet and shirt/t-shirt (probably a hood type thing) so I can blend in.
  5. I appreciate the heads up. Thanks for the tips! I'll be on the lookout for an EDGE one. I really wanted to pick up a CMYA rifle but literally can't find one anywhere. It's really annoying. Yeah I will probably end up doing that. I'll see if I can find out when restocks happen exactly time and date and camp a CYMA or a Speca Arms EDGE series rifle. Thanks for the reply! Thanks! Appreciate it! There's so many brands to choose from it gets a bit confusing. I'll definitely give it a watch.
  6. That's a really nice ghillie and I love the colours. Thanks for sharing it. It's exactly the kind of quality I am looking for. I don't mind sharing it, I just didn't want to seem like I'm trying to get others to do the work of finding it for me. But here it is. Thank you! Life saver! I'll have a look through all these and see what I can find.
  7. I have been scouring around multiple websites some of which were really hard to navigate, some were broken, others had what seemed like really cheap looking stuff on them and although I find something similar to what I am looking for I often find myself not finding the exact thing I want in the exact colour. I have no clue how to assemble my kit so it actually looks official and professional. I have a picture I found online of the look and style I want to go for but matching it is hard. The hardest part being what seems like a tactical camouflage shirt or coat with really nice leaf looking ghillie on it (except it is not full ghillie just partial starting less from the waist and getting more and more "busier" as the top goes to the neckline). It's stuff like this I just can't seem to find and when I do they are very cheap looking. If anyone could help by providing some websites they have gotten their gear from it'd be greatly apprecated.
  8. https://www.patrolbase.co.uk/specna-arms-sa-c25-pdw I am looking to buy my first rifle and after reading countless articles I came to the conclusion that a lot of the good guns are currently out of stock. I want a CYMA gun as I have read that they pack a punch and are generally very good weapons out of the box but I have no idea when they will be back in stock. That being said, is the gun I have chosen good? or is it not good and would you recommend something better or more powerful for the same price range? £100+ is fine I am just looking for a very good solid starter rifle that shoots very fast and long ranged.
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