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JinxDuh last won the day on June 22

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    WE M16A1 / A&K M60 / JG M16A1 / CYMA XM177
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  1. Looking at getting an AK-105, either an LCT or E&L… The only issue is I’m not sure which brand to go with 😂


    I like that the E&L is more accurate to the real pew, but the LCT should in theory be built to a higher standard (As they seem to be known for). 

    If you was in my shoes, which brand would you go for?

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    2. JinxDuh


      My plan is to build up the gearbox, mosfet, better pets etc and externally go for an “Alpha” style (Yeah, me and everybody else I know 😂


      I’m assuming standard v3 parts will fit the E&L?


      I’m also wanting to get one of those slim grips by LCT, will it fit the E&L?

    3. ruskitseller


      V3 parts are fine mate. 😁

    4. ruskitseller




      Well here it mentions V3 on the essential series. Always worth checking the sales listing of the model you want just in case though. 😁 By grip are you talking about the foregrip? 

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