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  • Guns
    PPSH-41, AWM, AUG Commando high cycle, G18C gas blowback, M9 gas blowback, MAC-10, M4.
  • Loadouts
    Killa (not complete), Chad PMC, just random stuff I feel like using.
  • Sites
    Village, The ridge. Also wanting to go to other sites but lack the trasportation and funds to travel long distances.

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  1. I'v e got a few things if you need to borrow something interesting for a game if we are at the same site.
  2. I'm just worried about travelling with all my gear takes about an hour to walk from mine to the train station and the taxi there would be £6-£7 then the train being £6.30 then taxi from train station to the game probably I assume another £6 then double all of the taxi travels and add the game comes up to about £57.30. Whereas a lift to a game would cost me the person giving a lifts game as payment for the lift and probably a few snacks.
  3. I travel from my flat to the village.
  4. how much is fuel for like a 40 min to 1 hour drive I don't think it'll be more than £20 And I have offered to pay for the game that more than covers the cost of fuel to get to the closest game average fuel is about 40pence a mile so for the closest one to me is about £15 of fuel for the whole day.
  5. Thanks for all the help guys and noctu sent you a message on your feed.
  6. Hi I would love to take you up on your offer it would be a great again like I said in the post I will pay for your game day if that's cool with you too.

    I have a bit of gear you can borrow if you lack some face protection too.

    1. noctu


      No worries mate, I'll let you know next time I'm going anywhere!


      Probably worth asking in the Facebook groups for the local ones too just in case, given I'll probably only doing one a month.

    2. evilcheesepuff


      I'm fine with one a month honestly dude wanna get my UKARA also thanks a lot. :)

  7. Unfortunately this is going to sound sketchy but I was wondering if there's anyone around the stevenage (hertfordshire) area who would be willing to give lifts to games when they are going to one. Seeing as I don't have a car and don't have the funds to get a taxi to games £80 to the village and back plus £25 for the game now £30 due to covid I've been spending around £100-£110 per game day, I am willing to pay for the day if someone is willing to pick up and drop off or just pick up. This is my first post I read through the rules briefly sorry if this is against any of them if it is I will delete this right away. Note: I have played around 6-7 games so I'm pretty new to airsoft and those games are split between around 3 years.
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