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Posts posted by Rigal

  1. On 20/06/2021 at 23:36, EvilMonkee said:

    What did they have to say about that?

    So far, nothing. Nothing chasing it up. I think their asses have finially caught up with what passes for their brains and realised they've fucked up.

    21 hours ago, Tactical Pith Helmet said:

    In contrast....  a lad I sometimes play informal games with at a local scrapyard ordered from TG just before they stopped shipping to the UK.  No UKARA number yet straight to his door, much to my surprise.  No requests for paperwork, no problem at all.  


    Silly situation.  

    I only really started playing airsoft at the end of 2019 and didn't get my Ukara until about October 2020 due to lockdown and travel needed to get to the field. Well before getting my Ukara, I made something like 5 orders from TG of at least 5 RIFs and multiple mags, BB's, holsters and other gear. Every single one got to my door without any issues from Border Force or anyone else.


    On a side note with your informal games, a signed waiver from all involved should help protect the owner from any accidents and so on. Just do all you can to cover asses. Just in case.

  2. Wasn't planning on posting about this before, but well, UP{S deserve this.  I actually had 2 calls from UPS Brokerage East Midlands Airport after my parcel was delivered. They were very adamant that I needed to check an email that they had sent me, fill it in, scan and email it all back to them.


    Trawled through my emails and turns out they were customs clearance forms that were needed to release my parcel from customs so that it could be delivered to me. Only thing is (I'm sure you can see where this is going), it had already been released, delievered and retrieved by me.

  3. Well my p90 has finially arrived! After missing it on Friday due ot getting the jab, I was able to pick it up from a local drop point.


    UPS had me worried throughout the weekend as the last update from them was that it had been delievered to "other", and their advice was to check  around the front of the house, gates, nooks...etc  and with neighbours for it. Was unable to find it anywhere there and only got to check it yesterday evening to see where it went.


    TG did a bangup job though with fixing the issue with the RIF, so besides having to recharge the battery, all is kushty!

    Here's hoping TG do get their delieveries to the UK sorted as I will be using them again eventually.

  4. 2 hours ago, mightyjebus said:

    So I made my first Taiwangun order since Brexit and it's not exactly been smooth sailing.


    ordered 14/05

    picked up 14/05 from shop

    arrived in Germany 19/05 @ 8:58

    arrived UK  19/05 @ 21:27

    then I seen on the UPS tracking site due for delivery the 21st.

    on the 24th after it hadn't arrived I phoned UPS and got put through to customs team and a promise to call me back within 24 hours.

    25 hours later called them back as they hadn't called. Told someone would contact me in 1 hour. After about 3  hours got a call and then an email with the declaration so filled that in and after another day got the import duties bill.

    Told that it was now with UK BF and could take 10 days to clear.

    told yesterday that it was now cleared.


    Now just waiting for UPS to provide me a new arrivals date as the tracking website still says the 21/05

    You might have it next week then :D.

  5. 3 minutes ago, Little oz2 said:

    Yeah, will just have to wait longer to order from TG haha, the same RIF I was looking at is £90 more expensive at patrolbase!

    Yeah, kind of disgusting the price hike :/. The same one I'm waiting on is £60 more then I paid, though almost £90 more then the current price on TG.


    That's almost 100% markup.... On retail prices, It's probs over 100% on wholesale.


    Still way cheaper to buy it from TG, pay duty and taxes on it, then buying local. "Support British businesses" is all well and good if they can do a comparable price. I'd deff buy local if the price diff were in the £30 range, maybe a bit more depending on the RIF.

  6. Well oil me up and call me Slippy the Slappy Seal. Had a response from UPS on trustpilot to contact them with more info. Shortly after, had an update to my tracking to say it'll be here on the 1st of June. Still hasn't moved from Warsaw in like a month though.


    Have contacted UPS with the details they want and asking them if the new update is to be believed. Now it's time to wait and see what they say and if it'll really be here next week.

  7. TG has got back to me after being left a less then stellar review on trust pilot. They're saying that UPS is the cause of the issue here as they've been sent multiple copies of the invoice in different languages, but can't seem to get their act together.


    I've tried contacting UPS, including sending them a copy of the invoice from my side, but not heard back in almost a week. A bit more communication from both sides would be nice. Saves us some stress and them some aggro.

  8. 3 minutes ago, Laserhawk said:

    Have spent the last four days trying to get a sensible answer from UPS via email and Twitter. Both are terrible responses. Cutting a long story short, neither of them actually help or answer any questions; they simply repeat what is said on the tracking information. 


    Managed to give them a call and spoke to several departments. Eventually got through to brokerage who stated that the only reason my package has been held for almost four months is because TG didn't submit the correct paperwork; an original invoice depicting VAT and delivery charges.  One. Simple. Document. They said they would call TG and request the paperwork. Great, I thought, we're finally getting somewhere.


    I had a copy of the invoice that was sent to me from TG and forwarded that to UPS brokerage. Have had no reply.  Emailed TG asking them to submit the document needed. No reply. 


    Latest update: Parcel is still going back to TG. Emailed TG again, this time they replied saying sorry and they will give me a refund. I asked them to just submit the requested document. Have heard nothing since. Not even a motion to actually process a refund. This was on Monday morning. 


    I'm not gonna win this one 😩.


    It seems so senseless that after all this time, I feel no one will actually do anything to help. UPS are a shower of shit, and TG just can't be bothered. It can be sorted with just a simple document. Sorry guys but after four months of trying, I just wanna give up. I'm glad that most of you have got your new rifs, but as for me, I'm really, really fucked off.

    It's like the blind leading the blind, except in this case, they can both see, but choose not to, but won't tell each other they can't see and are having pissing contest with each other to be the most blind of them. So they're too busy trying to outblind each other, so can't help anyone else.


    Well you get the picture. It really does not look like you're going to win this one at all dude. Might help to call TG up directly? Maybe see how far up the chain of command you can get. Ruffle some feathers.

    Just noticed that they're active on the trustpilot website. https://uk.trustpilot.com/review/www.taiwangun.com  I will be leaving a review on that for sure.

  9. On 21/05/2021 at 11:43, Laserhawk said:

    Well done mate. My latest update is that it's cleared customs, and is either arriving back with the sender or to me on 25th Feb 2021. Yep, it's going back in time .Unfuckingbelievable. I don't know what else to say 🤷.

    Mines been held up saying it's still waiting on info. Nothing back from either TG or UPS regarding it since last week.

    It did change to actually being delivered, but I don't believe them as it's supposed to arrive at the end of last month again.


    So tempted to ask for a refund of both the P90 and for the cost of sending it to them. I could buy a slightly cheaper p90 and an MP5 and be just over the minimum spend limit too.

  10. The reek of bovine effluence is getting stronger! Though who's cause of it, I don't know.

    Latest update this morning is that TG are saying they've sent the documents to UPS, UPS is saying they've received nothing... So here's me in the middle telling thme to talk to each other.


    My money is on UPS being the supplier of the reek.


    What about all of you?

  11. 36 minutes ago, GoopGoop said:


    It seems that those who made orders from the end of 2020 till the second half of April have been having serious issues. Check a couple of posts back on this thread's page and you'll see that I got my order in 9 days.

    I'm not sure if I was insanely lucky or if things are back to normal for new orders going forward. My friend placed an order on TG a week after I did, I will update the thread on his experience, hopefully it mirrors mine, somewhat confirming things are back to 'normal' 

    I'm of the opinion that UPS is doing fine with any new orders made in the last couple of months, but can't seem to work out which end of a bottle to drink from with anything "outside of the box". So something that was bought and paid for pre-brexit being sent back after an RMA, is too much for them to process. I could be very wrong, but so far, everything points to miscommunication steming from UPS to everyone involved.

    It doesn't even seem like they can communicate with their branches around the world. Not had any confirmation that they've actually heard from their Polish branch, other then than they're waiting to hear back.


    Oh well, I have the time to wait, no matter how grating it is.

  12. Well time for an update from my ongoing saga. I've spoken to TG twice now and they're not happy with what is going on either. They've checked all their side of things and sent the requested info to UPS.


    So as of right now, it's showing as being on the way again for the 30th of April (yeah, almost 3 weeks late now). Though expecting it to be changed back to held by the end of the day.


    Glad to hear that some of you guys are getting your parcels and things are being resolved!

  13. 42 minutes ago, GoopGoop said:

    Update: Border force received and released my package in less than 24h! If all goes smoothly from here onwards then I’ll have received my order in under 14 days. There could be light at the end of the tunnel for orders going forward.


    Also, I’ve been asked to pay ‘88.24 UKL’(?) in import and whatever else fees. However there’s no hyperlink in the email or any area on the site while logged in to pay the invoice? Could anyone give any insight? 



    Noice :D It should be a straight shot from there to yours now.

    Re the import fees and taxes, that's usallly paid to the delivery driver. So make sure to have your card at hand.

  14. 14 minutes ago, GoopGoop said:


    I can only imagine how frustrating that must be. Perhaps give TG a call? Or perhaps you could ask TG for the export doc and send the doc to UPS yourself?

    Aye, it is frustrating, but changing my point of view has helped. I don't "need" it right now. Already got enough loadouts and it would be nice to have.


    Half an hour ish before they close. Going to give them a call.




    At least they were quick in answering. Problem is the guy dealing with my case has a free day and is off today. So the guy who answered doesn't know much about what is going on other then they've supplied all the required info. He did say that UK customs seem to be causing issues or might have requested more info, but he can't see what it is. So he's now asked me to call back on Monday to speak to the guy dealing with my issue.



  15. 24 minutes ago, GoopGoop said:


    Is it being held because TG are failing to provide UPS with requested documents?

    No idea. I'm only going by the info I've got.


    This is what UPS said this morning:


    Thank you for your reply.

    I am sorry to know that your parcel is holding again in Poland. If the parcel will pass the government requirement for clearance, then it will proceed with the delivery. Please be advised that the shipper/seller is fully aware of the process and they are being notified so it is necessary that you contact your shipper/seller ask assistance about the situation and for them to let you know what is the next step to be taken.

    Your understanding is highly appreciated.

    Kind Regards,


    This is the last update from TG on Wednesday:


    Witam / Hello / Bonjour / Buenos dias
     I send them new export docs today, hope it helps
    So, someone is either not doing their job or lying. This is the 2nd time they've sent the p90 back to me. So they had over 3 weeks the first time and someone messed that up. Now it's almost been 3 weeks again and still stuff ain't happening.
  16. 11 hours ago, Sneaky said:

    I was planning to place an order at TG, but seeing there is a minimum and I am not after much (some mags and parts, which I cannot find anywhere else), I think I will not bother. Thinking about getting a bunch of us to order, but still on the fence.

    Surprise, surprise, my parcel has gone back to being held. It's going to be returned to TG again very soon unless they pull finger. More money wasted on their part.

    Was thinkimg something similar as well with a group order. Have done similar before and I will be doing it again, though not right now. Not sure when either as there isn't really anything I need right now.

  17. 5 hours ago, GoopGoop said:


    Update: after being sat at Stanford Le Hope for 2 days I was left a voicemail this morning by UK UPS brokerage asking for me to call them back.

    Looks like I didnt get lucky with dodging any import fee's. Been waiting on the phone for a while to get through to anyone, expecting to wait a lot longer.

    Edit: waited 2 full hours only to be connected to someone in asia, who said they would contact the uk brokerage on my behalf..? Weird, considering the number I was left in the voicemail was from an english woman who asked me to call that number to speak to her.

    Regardless, I emailed the woman who left the voicemail and she replied to me right before my call was finally connected. I was sent a series of questions + a fire arms decliration form. As others have said, the information they require on this form is already on the package itself...

    Sounds about right. Sending you to their main call centre instead of their direct line.

    Also, from what I've read about import fee's, you do have to pay the delivery driver these.

  18. 13 hours ago, GenuineGerman said:

    I can honestly say after reading this thread since the beginning the cost saving isn’t worth the stress. Honestly some you guys have the patience of 20 saints.

    Had an update this morning. It's being delievered on the 30th of April 2021.... I even refreshed and checked with a different browser in case it was a cached page.



  19. 19 hours ago, GoopGoop said:

    What a mess. Couple of things I can say for sure in reply to your post.

    1. Call TG, I did before placing my order to ask about shipping times. To my surprise, the call was answered by someone who spoke rather fluently in english. I didnt expect it since my prior contact had been via email, with a bloke who clearly didnt understand simple english.


    2. While on the phone with them, I also asked if they offered any other courrier. It was a firm no, they said only UPS ship RIF's.. which we know not to be true.

    Tell me about it.


    I actualy got a response from TG this morning after using their contact form instead of replying to the ongoing email. The reponse is " I send them new export docs today, hope it helps" So have poked UPS to make sure they haven't fallen asleep again after sitting on their thumbs for so long.


    Calling them is going to be my next step. That or getting them to send it to my sister (She now lives in Germany) and getting her to post it to me. Might be much easier coming in from a private individual.

    10 hours ago, Tommikka said:

    The ‘further information’ might relate to the difference between a sale and a warranty repair.


    They still need to show declarations and must highlight that it is a warranty job not a sale.  It might not be clear on the package that it’s a warranty job, so UPS / customs are after the invoice for valuation etc

    I totally get this. The information I've gathered so far from researching post brexit postage shows that sending the invoice with the custom docs is a must for retailers. Hell, I printed copies of the orinigal invoices for both customs and TG when I posted it back to them and it arrived with no problems.

    If they'd supplied all the correct info in the first place, then they shouldn't have this issue. The original invoice with a workorder showing the repairs needed. Maybe something with the unique serial number that's also on the RIF to prove it's an RMA and not a new purchase.


    I used to RMA stuff, do invoices and loads more almost 20 years ago. It's not that hard :/.


    Sorry if I'm sounding harsh, just really miffed about all this. I've having a hard time like a lot of us and it's rubbed me up the wrong way. Never should have left the EU.

  20. 42 minutes ago, GoopGoop said:

    Update for anyone reading this thread looking to place an order and wondering what the situation is like at the moment. My package arrived at the dreaded SLH an hour ago.

    Took just 5 days to make it into the UK from Poland, so things seem to be going smoothly so far. Fingers crossed things continue to go well.

    Tracking states it will arrive tomorrow (coincidentally on my birthday, wouldn't that be a nice surprise!) though I very highly doubt it does. 

    Order placed: 4/5/21

    Order shipped: 6/5/21

    Stanford Le Hope: 11/5/21



    Screenshot 2021-05-11 at 22.01.26.png

    Fingers and toes crossed.

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