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Rōnin Servicing

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Rōnin Servicing's Feedback

  1. BigAl left Positive feedback   

    Adding this to cancel out the previous negative rep I left. While not the fastest comms the guy had a good reason and apologised for confusion.

    Rōnin Servicing was The Buyer

  2. BigAl left Negative feedback   

    This guy is a time waster. Posts saying he wants something and will buy immediately exchanges a few messages. Then vanishes for a month. Ignores messages despite being on line he doesn't reply. Then suddenly re appears a month later saying hes been overseas. Again states he will buy immediately if I stlill have it. Then again vanishes ignores messages.

    Rōnin Servicing was The Buyer

  3. alfiej left Negative feedback for an advert   

    A&k mk1 m249
    He was interested In an item I had for sale and never got back to me about it I sent 3 messages and none replied to I'd be wary around him/her

    Rōnin Servicing was The Buyer

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