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Lex Dangler

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Everything posted by Lex Dangler

  1. So which have the 15mm nozzle? The FNX looks pretty sweet as well!
  2. Interesting analogy 🤷‍♂️ I expected TM to come out on top for most. I didn't consider that there might be differences in size of the reservoirs 🤔
  3. All of the above 👆 I've heard a lot of good things about this. Apparently the VFC HK45 is very good too?
  4. The title says it all really! Let me know your thoughts...
  5. That's a fair point! I'll use what parts I have left to complete the second build since it will be my backup anyway and see how it goes! Maybe I should have done it the other way round and practiced on the secondary before the primary 🤷‍♂️ I think I've done a pretty good job though considering 😎 I guess I won't know for sure until I take it for a proper spin though! I'm looking forward to that! I've not actually skirmished for years!
  6. Cool, thank you 👍 I'll have a look into those parts, I was hoping not to have to shell out on any more but I suppose just a few tiny parts won't hurt 🤷‍♂️ I can't find lonex stuff in stock anywhere! 🤷‍♂️
  7. And that would be the asg? I did wonder! That's good to know, thank you 👍 Yeah, I think I might save playing with 11.1 for a later date. I'm thinking of getting hold of the biggest 7.4 30c that I can fit in the stock, I think 3300mah and running with the 12:1s to achieve the trigger response and also get decent rof for when required, also so I don't have to use any AB or precocking hopefully🤞I'd rather not over work the motor or leave the spring compressed when I'm not using it. Noted! Thank you 👍 What are the other shs bits like if I was going to get a full set? And gearbox wise, I have a g&p I was going to use for the 2nd build, will that be decent enough?
  8. Thank you for taking the time to answer my questions in so much detail, the information is very much appreciated and will be utilised! Changing the subject slightly, regarding cylinder sets, I have all the parts to build one for gun number two but they're from different manufacturers and I've read that matching parts of the same make will give a better result. To give an idea I have shs piston, unknown piston head, lonex cylinder and maxx cylinder head, will these work well together? Or would I be better off buying the necessary parts of one of those brands to make a set? Thank you for taking the time to answer my questions in so much detail, the information is very much appreciated and will be utilised! Changing the subject slightly, regarding cylinder sets, I have all the parts to build one for gun number two but they're from different manufacturers and I've read that matching parts of the same make will give a better result. To give an idea I have shs piston, unknown piston head, lonex cylinder and maxx cylinder head, will these work well together? Or would I be better off buying the necessary parts of one of those brands to make a set?
  9. Thank you! And as far as the asg combined with 12:1 goes, would that cycle efficiently with no precock or ab required? Or would modifications need to be made? Or is that irrelevant if I'm using a leviathan or titan?
  10. I was talking about the rpm rather than tpa of the jg blue, 18k as opposed to the 22k of the asg. Both being 22 tpa, would that mean that torque is the same but asg is just a smidge quicker? Basically I want to try and achieve as close to a nice round 20rps and thought pairing the 22k asg and 12:1 might get this with 7.4? I would also like it to cycle efficiently with no ab or pre cock? Is this likely? I'm planning a higher speed build in another gun using the rocket ht and more sacrificable parts after I've nailed this build.
  11. Thanks Duck! From what I had read the jg is 18k? My reasoning for usg over shs is better trigger response and run time efficiency, would that not be the case? Were I to go shs could I not run onto possible pe/overspin issues? Might they also be problems if I switched to 11.1 regardless of which build I use it with? blockquote widget
  12. Hello peops, so, it looks like I'm going to have to crack open the gearbox again, it feels like I have a longer trigger pull than I started with and I'm a bit concerned that I didn't fix the grub screw securely enough, the last thing I want is him rattling around inside the gearbox! Since I'm going back in I figured I would switch the motor from the jg blue to either the asg infinity u22000 or the rocket high torque, I think I'm erring towards the asg as it seems the better motor? I'm also considering changing out the 13:1 gears for 12:1 since I might have to reshim anyway, not that it's likely to make a huge difference. I'll let you know how I get on. On another note, regarding batteries, I'm considering grabbing an 11.1 as I've not experimented with one yet, hopefully my gun won't melt in my hands! Otherwise, if I go for 7.4 would something like this be overkill or a good shout? https://www.patrolbase.co.uk/nuprol-extreme-7-4v-3300mah-30c-crane-lipo-battery
  13. The fet was the basic jefftron trigger switch replacement without ab, I made a point of getting one without, and yes there was definitely an arl. I'll have a go shimming the motor with a bit of electrical tape on each side and see if it makes a difference.
  14. Originally it did have a magpul grip but the motor didn't seem to sit in the plate comfortably and it was impossible to shim the bevel to the pinion as a result, so I got hold of a newer pts grip and it's a much better fit! The gun was originally using the magpul grip somehow but I can't figure out how it could have run efficiently 🤷‍♂️ maybe it wasn't! Ha, yes take a day off dude! You've given me plenty of information and it's much appreciated! Ha! You couldn't resist! Well I think it was more to do with the cut off lever /trigger switch because before mosfet it was fine and after, not. I wondered whether the fet caused a shorter cycle than the trigger switch meaning that the cut off cam was stopping whilst engaging the lever and stopping the trigger trolley from resetting? Obviously I've since installed the leviathan so no lever or trigger switch assembly now.
  15. I agree. This gun has been a work in progress for months now on and off, it's given me a few headaches along the way, tried various things that didn't work, I thought I'd nailed it before but had issues with midcycling after installing a basic fet, I've learnt a lot along the way and now it seems consistent, sounds sweet, is responsive and looks the nuts imo 👌🏻 maybe I'll leave as is (probably won't!) and start on the next one! Thanks dude! I'll crack it open and investigate! I've noticed that there seems to be a bit of movement from motors inside grips, I can feel/hear it kind of clonk about in there, is that normal? Or does it depend on the motor/grip? Will it detract from the efficiency of the build? Is it worth shimming with electrical tape or something to reduce the movement?
  16. Oh, the gun feeds perfectly by the way so I guess the hop/bucking are working well together, tbh I didn't actually do anything with that yet, just dropped it in as it came. Unless that's what's causing fps to rise as hop is applied rather than fall? Thanks dude! I'll look into the lonex bevel! Tbh I'm a bit sceptical about using the U22000, when I took it out of the gun it came in there was a lot of copper residue in the motor grip, I'm assuming from the previous owner using active breaking? I wonder whether it could be damaged as a result? Although the gearset looks spanking new still so maybe it's not been used that much? I'm happy with 16rps, I just wanted to make sure that's what I should be getting and the gun is running efficiently.
  17. Blimey dude, you really know your stuff! Are you running on lipo and wired to deans? 😁 I didn't particularly go for all high end parts, but I have them so I might as well use them! Basically my whole reason for doing this build was the challenge, I take everything apart, tinker and optimise, even a toaster! I had never attempted an aeg before, then lockdown happened so I thought I would give it a go, I bought a few upgraded second hand guns that needed some work but looked in good shape, figured that if they're a lot cheaper than new but with better parts I'd be better off and this gun was the result. I still have enough parts to build a second but want to optimise this one before I start on the next. I do have what I believe to be a stock g&p magpul sentry, apart from having a titan installed, it's where the third motor came from and having done some research I believe it is a g&p motor, and assuming it's stock, according to the spiel it's an m160. Not sure how that compares to the others. https://gpairsoft-uk.com/shop/en/50132-gp-airsoft-deluxe-sentry-magpul-gp-gp-dxe002.html Until I crack it open I won't know for sure whether it is all stock but it has the original hop and barrel from the looks of it which I assume would be the first things to get changed. It does need to be opened up at some point as the selector is knackered and the gb would probably benefit from a regrease as it's not been used for a very long time. My mottos are; If it ain't broke, fix it 'til it is! And; ALWAYS GO FULL RETARD!
  18. Thanks for all your help and information dude, It's really appreciated! I had no idea about the 9/10 tooth bevel, I know the gearset I have installed is maybe five years old, could that indicate it's a 9? It's barely been used though from the look of it despite it's age. I basically want to build the best possible gun from the parts I have available and it seems that the motor is the only thing that's falling short. These are the other motors, is one going to suit my build better than the jg blue? On another note! What's the better hop between the prowin and maxx?
  19. Ha, the majority of the bits are second hand, bought here or there and cannibalised from other guns. Only the leviathan is new, I did try to drop in a titan I pinched from another gun but had issues with the optical sensors, maybe because of the shiny gearbox 🤷‍♂️ so opted for micro switches instead. No need to mess about with pre cock, response is already incredible! I'll invest in an shs ht and if I have to reshim I might swap out the gear set for 12:1 from the gun that had the titan in it, they're in really good nick. I do have a couple of other motors from other guns, an asg U22000, a g&p but I have no idea what one, no stickers 🤷‍♂️ and.. Oh! I've got a rocket high torque! It's new too, got it with a bunch of spare upgrade parts someone was selling. Isn't that the same as shs?
  20. Thanks for all that information dude! Very helpful! It's a g&p magpul receiver. lonex gearbox, 8mm bearings, bearing spring guide, red piston, piston head, sorbo pad, type D cylinder, cylinder head, nozzle, Tappet plate etc. Pdi 150. Shs 13:1 with sector chip. Jg blue motor. 300mm madbull black python 6.03. Prowin hop. Jefftron leviathan. Dean's. I'm a bit of a perfectionist, took my time shimming, pretty confident that's bang on and air seal is perfect 👌🏻 Cylinder is ported and sorbo reduces volume a touch I guess, so the pdi 150 is to bring the fps back up to around 350. I reckon from what you've said I'm probably near the money? One weird thing I noticed was applying hop increased fps, shouldn't it decrease it? Oh, bucking is prommy purple and nub is firefly btw
  21. If you're interested 🤷‍♂️
  22. I've just dropped in a brand new and fully charged 7.4 lipo, 1450mah, 30c. Now I'm hitting 16.7 rps, is that what I should be expecting?
  23. Thanks for the info! I'm not looking for a high speed build in particular, I was just expecting this to be faster than it turned out and am worried I might have done something wrong. Could I have shimmed too tight for example? I have a sorbo in there and have removed a tooth and a half from the piston rack, would that not reduce the travel slightly? Thus speeding up the cycle rate slightly? If I were to change the motor would I not have to reshim the gears to it? Okay, update! I've just dropped in a brand new and fully charged 7.4 lipo, 1450mah, 30c. Now I'm hitting 16.7 rps, is that what I should be expecting?
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