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Profile Information

  • Guns
    VFC CAR-15, VFC MP5, VFC XMM16E1, TM MAC 10. TM MP7. Lots of guns.
  • Loadouts
    US army Vietnam, US Special forces Vietnam, US 80s/90's, Eastern European Tracksuit, Spetsnaz
  • Sites
    Invicta Battlefield, Combat Airsoft, Mayhem Airsoft.
  • Location
  • Interests
    Playing in metal bands. Airsoft. War movies. Vietnam war stuff. Collecting RIFs. Building RIFs

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  1. Heads up folks. Seems there’s scammers infiltrated the forum. Twice I’ve been contacted by new accounts about ads I’ve got in guns wanted. Request payment by F&F and won’t budge when offering to cover the fees. And sending obvious/irrelevant from google images. 

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Rogerborg


      "Oh, you can only accept payment by F&F due to some vague and convoluted sob story?  How interesting, do please continue."



    3. TommyPee


      User LOVE23045x 


      now dming me spam irrelevant sales crap

    4. Goblin


      I had Love23045x also contact me about my wanted parts and said similar things about payment.

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