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Airsoft Tailoring

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Posts posted by Airsoft Tailoring

  1. 1 hour ago, ajumma said:

    I’ll do it like that then. I tend to move between my MWS and MTW but 80% of the time, I’m using my MWS. 

    I was also wondering why my Odin vomits out 8-10 bbs once done filling an aeg mag, I guess its probably because the tension is too high and it’s prematurely loading bbs into/through the cog when the magazine is already full or something... 


    Either way, nothing is better than having the guy who actually designed the thing to ask questions! I’m eager to test it out once it arrives. 

    They ship with an oring just behind the nozzle. But it often falls out. So it will be the bbs sat in the feed tube between the cog and nozzle. 


    I did message the about it and they told me to use 8.5mm OD, 5.5mm ID, 1.5mm thick nitrile orings. As that’s the closest metric size to what they use. If you wanted to replace yours in the Odin. 

    I used to use the same setup but it would fall out or jam. So swapped to the current method. Put a lot of bbs through attaching the Odin to my drill for some abuse testing and no faults yet. As far as anyone’s told me anyway.

  2. 13 minutes ago, ajumma said:

    Very good to hear, I've ordered one of them myself! I used this weird 3D printed crank loader from Italy before but it's finally kicked the bucket, I'm surprised it even lasted a year.

    How do you increase tension on the odin?

    edit: I realised I shouldn't be lazy and I googled it myself, I feel quite enlightened. My Odin is brand new and I found when loading PTS mags, the crank would stop spinning once the mag was full. Apparently, the crank is supposed to spin freely when the magazine is full, so in this case I guess I have to reduce tension/unscrew the nut at the centre of crank? Although since I will be using it primarily with my MWS, I guess I will just leave it as is until I can test the adapter.

    So I do a lot of testing of adapters while making new ones and often have it set way too tight to see if an adapter is working or if it’s worth refining to get it working nicer. 

    when running it as a player I back the nut off till it’s just finger tight. Pop a mag in, ‘fill’ the mag, probably get about 5bbs in. Then tighten a little, ‘fill’, count bbs, repeat. To get the best life out of the feed cog you want it only just filling the mags. Any more tension than that and you’re putting unnecessary pressure on the cog. You want it turning freely with a full mag not clanking or just stopping. 

  3. 23 minutes ago, Kerberos said:


    I actually ordered one of the MWS v2 adaptors from you back in late November/early December. Finally got to test it out last month. Worked perfectly with the real Odin once I increased the tension a bit. Loaded my mags all day with no issues. Will get another chance to test it hopefully next weekend

    Glad to hear it - thank you. Can’t wait to start playing again. 

  4. 16 minutes ago, gunbod007 said:

    Car crash with airsoft guns in the boot? Ouch

    Yeah. Cracked mk23 pistol grip and chipped the lips on an mws mag. Those nuprol cases are pretty good. 

    police were super chilled out and couldn’t care less about what was in my boot haha

  5. I’ve never damaged my mws magazine lips - been using my adapter for nearly 2 years before the pandemic. Played fortnightly. 

    okay partial lie, I have had to replace one set. But that was due to a car crash. 

  6. Not to just horribly self promote but; have you considered an Odin sidewinder and adapter? I designed it for myself and was asked to print some for friends then made a whole thing out of it.


    Odins are finally back in stock and Airtac UK are printing my adapters as my machines are all poorly. Mag catch, oring so you only lose 1/2 bbs when changing mags. Fills a mag in a couple of seconds. 


  7. Hi, 


    Sorry to completely change the topic - please ignore me if youre not interested

    While looking for something else I found this forum, people a few months back were looking for adapters for the Odin sidewinder for the MWS mags, I thought id share that I designed and print some. Seem to be a lot cheaper than some alternatives around too. Im working on other models all the time too.

    If youre interested please find me on FB or Instagram, rules seem to allow advertising as long as its relevant to the topic and its not in my signature. 


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