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Everything posted by Laborda

  1. Hi guys. Some help pls. I'm searching for a easy solution to control de FPS on my MWS. One of my team mates bought the NAPS RA-Tech, but after a few shots, said the MWS performed worse and removed the NPAS. Now, we are thinking in the G&P Nozzle Valves. But it is difficult to find reviews about them. Can anyone give some feedback about this Nozzle Valves? By the way, there are several colours of this valves. This have some meaning? Each colour is corresponding to a certain number of fps? Thank you for your help.
  2. I guys, I know there are several upgrades we can do on a mws, but I want to give you this "challenge". If you guys, could choose just one upgrade to do on your MWS, what would it be? I mean, what is the "must have" upgrade for you?
  3. Guys, I receive an email from my sponsor store saying that they have m4's mags on stock. I dont know if the already up the stock in the online site. But they will do it today or tomorrow I think. www.combatevirtual.com https://combatevirtual.biz/pt/low-real-caps/4381-tokyo-marui-m4a1-mws-35rd-gas-magazine-2568000001895.html?search_query=mws&results=20
  4. Any feedback about that Pmag's?
  5. In Portugal we have to pain our wepaon whit neon color. Stock and 10cm front from long weapon or grip and 5cm front for short weapons. The black thing on the grip is normal black strap. Thaks for the feedback about the photo. Me and my team usualy take some photos likes this. Search for Laborda_08 and sod_airsoft on insta. 😉
  6. Hi guys!! I'm totay in love whit my CQBR!!! That's how she look's now... Next external changes: Magpul MOE K2 grip Pack Eotech + Magnifier Big Dragon Night Evolution M300 FlashLight
  7. Thanks for the feedback. That helps a lot. 👌
  8. Here in PT we already have some people whit GBLS. But all of them say that GBLS have some performance issues. But the facti is that who said this, are people that before GBLS uses Systema PTW. So... after using a Systema, I believe that any weapon will have permormance issues 😂 My only doubt is if GBLS really doesn't have such a good performance as a system yet, if it pays to give so much money for it, having the GBBR's alternative.
  9. @Bada Bing How are you? I have to ask you something. In my team, we have a lot of members whit Systema PTW. But some of them are thinking of switching to weapons with Blowback. I've already decide and bought a MWS. But the rest of my team are only considering the GBLS. I've already give them my opinion that for the difference in price, it doesn't pay to buy a GBLS when there is the MWS option. I also showed them your MWS review video. I know they are different weapons, but in your honest opinion, is the difference in prices between the two weapons justified? Is GBLS that much better than MWS? I ask you this because I think that you have a GHK vs GBLS video and a GHK vs MWs, but dont have a MWS vs GBLS. Thank´s
  10. Hehe. Leiria. I'm from SOD Team.
  11. I'm not alone whit the Shiny colors
  12. In my PTW I only use Pmags and I am very satisfied. I thought the version for MWS was also the best option. I will stick whit the old fashion metal M4 mags
  13. wow. I already know that they are more expensive then TM mags, but if they have feeding issues, I will stick whit the original TM mags.
  14. Thanks a lot for your help. That help's me a lot. Another question. Pmag's??? were can I find it?
  15. Hi. Thanks for the info. No, I don't want the complete list peice by piece. That is a lot of work. I just need to know the most important parts, then I will search what I need to assemble that parts. Like ,screws
  16. Hi, Can someone make a list of the parts that are needed to build an complete upper set? I want to change from CQBR to DMR and DMR to CQBR just by changing the upper set. Like... pin off, change upper, pin in... and it's done.
  17. Hi Guys, My first post here. I'm from Portugal so, sorry if I write something wrong. I had find this topic searching about the MWS in the net and I'm very happy to see a lot of info about it. I recently bought my CQBR Block 1 (1 week ago) and I'm reading all I can't because is my first M4 GBB. My last weapon was a Systema PTW. I'm will follow this topic every day and hopefully exchange some ideas with the rest of you guys. For now, I will do all the mod's that you guys advice here, like the green gas mod, and the 3 most important upgrades. PDI Raven 6.01 mm Maple Leaf 60º Decepticons Bucking Nub (I already send an email for the SixG Super Nub, but dont receive any replay till now) EDIT: I read something now saying that, if we only use 0.28g bbs max. It'ss not need to change nothing internaly. So... my question is: I pretend to use Sturgeon or G&G 0.28g bb's. If I change the barrel and bucking I will see any improvment regarding precision and range? Now a photo of my "baby". I will do some changings, like DD Mk18 ris, and magpull grip. When it's done, I will put some photo here.
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