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Everything posted by SpecialForce

  1. SpecialForce

    battlefield 3

    Hi who has upgraded to premium here? Ive been playing it on xbox and like the maps a lot. The downside i think is the 16p limitation. You dont really have time to destroy much as you spend most of the time running around...like in cod. Makes my thumb hurt!!
  2. SpecialForce

    battlefield 3

    I agree with finding a good position and giving suppressive fire but most of the time i find myself doing it and the rest of the people hiding behind walls till i finish my mags..then get killed..I will try the 240b and the pkp as I have never used them. That specops the line has some great atmosphere but as you said the weapons are crap and its like gow..and yes might as well play gow. Future soldier..cloak hmm more like crysis fail..and also like gow..the whole 3rd person with the cover system is just not my thing..rather play gow instead!
  3. SpecialForce

    battlefield 3

    I would pay 400 but 1200 is taking the COD piss ..thats just rinsing it..or us in this case! Map DLC's should be free on BF they always have. What i want is the mg53/42 or something with a similar rof..at least the rof seemed very high on bfbc2. The support guns are all a bit to slow and weak. Try using the m60 with a grip on 5 guys..you might take one out and injure 2 more if you lucky. I want something that rips through a la usas with frag but without the frag if u get what I mean. Why arent there any mg turrets in this game? Before the update you didnt have recoil when using a bipod on your mg but now its bloody pointless as the gun kicks around just as much on the bipod as it does without..wtf
  4. SpecialForce

    battlefield 3

    The new dlc is going to cost 1200 points...is anyone going to pay that??
  5. SpecialForce

    battlefield 3

    What describing sounds like lag. Best thing is to use EU servers only and UK ideally. Problem is that the engine either calculates to slow to keep up with your movement or the other way around in some cases. Happened to me as well loads of times after running around the corner then dying a few steps after. Lately the bad luck deaths have increased a lot. Happens about 3 times per game now..and also getting shot behind hard cover like concrete blocks etc and again i think thats down to the engine/connection processing time. there is always a minimum damage weapons cause on certain distances and loads of other factors p-lay a role..who knows pre update you couldnt shoot through fences or your rpg would explode when shot through glass or tree branches..they fixed that now. whats your gamertag? mine RB ST3AL
  6. SpecialForce

    battlefield 3

    mate on gulf of oman, i jumped over gravel filled blocks at 'B' right next to the buggy and I died...erm wtf
  7. SpecialForce

    battlefield 3

    you are right my bad should have been either or with the g53.. you can still get on top of buildings, just have someone fly you there =) the mav killing thats just balls..i was in a game on metro conquest where 4 snipers camped in their spawn and ran people over all game through..total dicks ! they should not be able to do that and yes def should appear on the map like mortar guys.
  8. SpecialForce

    battlefield 3

    I disagree partially. Thank god you cant use the mav as elevator anymore, i thought that was well out of order! I think the sniping has improved a bit but still sucks close range. some weapons seem to have reduced in power initially but they have improved in other areas. in terms of tanks, they still rock if you ask me even though a tank without the reactive armor upgrade can get disabled with one javelin hit but not rpg hit. since the update i have shot down several choppers with the rpg which was impossible before, and i might add thats soo much fun. i even shot down 2 jets flying really low (not hovering but flying). my new weapon of choice as engineer is the g53 with heavy barrel, foregrip and flashlight (yea i know but it helps against people with higher powered rifles) the rent a server update is something that makes sense for clans or websites etc btw I would be well up for chipping in for a AFUK server.. I have played games with 1500 tickets and what i found they are good for is trying different tactics over and over, so great for practising! if you want to play the normal servers(dice) then just go on the search function in the server browser and type in normal or dice since the update my stats have improved a bit: Kills 9 645 Deaths 5 872 K/D Ratio 1.643 Kill assists 2 101 Score/Min 373 Quits 17% Vehicles Destroyed 1 076 Vehicles Destroyed Assists 291 Avg. Weapon Accuracy 14% Longest Headshot 726 m Kill Streak Bonus 33 Skill 399 Squad Score Bonus 203 780 Repairs 1 367 Revives 367 Heals 5 377 Resupplies 1 289 For some reason stats of vehicles destroyed have decreased?! huh (dohh i was looking at eds loll)
  9. SpecialForce

    battlefield 3

    Hi mate I think it was using the M4A1 and probably rush on kharg island and I play on xbox only
  10. SpecialForce

    battlefield 3

    Hi guys just wanted to post my stats...I cant get my score per minute over 400 mehh my cousins is like 700 but then again he is always first! I guess I'm too much concerned about my squad while the others go ego shooting.. Kills 8 458 Deaths 5 156 K/D Ratio 1.64 Kill assists 1 929 Score/Min 370 Quits 16% Vehicles Destroyed 872 Vehicles Destroyed Assists 252 Avg. Weapon Accuracy 14% Longest Headshot 726 m (kharg island rush got the guy 3 times in that game haha) Kill Streak Bonus 33 Skill 478 Squad Score Bonus 171 010 Repairs 1 079 Revives 324 Heals 5 276 Resupplies 1 037 Squad WorMongers
  11. SpecialForce

    battlefield 3

    Yea the lasers and torches are most of the time the reason I throw my pad against the wall and scream at my dog..lol How can a torch blind the hell out of me from 10m away in broad daylight??
  12. SpecialForce

    battlefield 3

    M249+ IRV+ Extended Mag + Prone = SQUAD WIPE! Believe you me.. 260 score/m, 419 kills with the m249. K/D 1.562. Join us in platoon WorMongers. its RB ST3AL hrrhrr
  13. SpecialForce

    battlefield 3

    Hi guys quick update, my mate in germany who has a j-tech xbox got a leaked version of bf3 on 2 DVDs. He said once you install the visuals on your hd the game looks just like the pc version in single player modes. He was well impressed and also mentioned that the 3d and sound are amazing. I can only laugh at ppl who canceled their preorders muahaha. I ordered it on pc and xbox and will prob buy mw3 as well on xbox.. My fav still the 870 with slugs, pop you in the head from across the map boi!
  14. SpecialForce

    battlefield 3

    Ive played it on the ps3 and the xbox as well as the pc. Ps3 def sucked, Pc was visually the best and gameplay xbox rules. this game is capable of hosting a 250 player match on pc and I have been watching plenty of 128 players games on youtube and they ran without lag. I have preordered it and cant wait! Add me on xbox live 'RB ST3AL' How can you even ask what the prone button?? come on, the controller only has like 10 buttons and if you press start and options the controller layout is right there..its like standing in front of a door and asking how do you open it...read the sign!!! so if you having controller problems i feel bad for you son...
  15. SpecialForce

    battlefield 3

    hey guys. Ive been playing the beta on ps3. not impressed. loads of bugs. the weapons are either to strong or too weak. the graphics is soso. the on screen info is very annoying, light blue or bright red. the flashlight is very annoying. the sounds are all very similar. i dont even want to go on. tomorrow i'll be downloading the beta on xbox to see if thats any different which i highly doubt. over id give it a 5/10 so far. why release a beta at this stage is a mystery to me.
  16. SpecialForce

    battlefield 3

    you cant be serious!?!
  17. SpecialForce

    battlefield 3

    Is there a AFUK clan? I play bfbc2 a lot, and bf3 well..i cant wait!!
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